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As rain fell in sheets, a dark tabby pelt slunk through the forest. Silently, a brown tom emerged from the undergrowth. The rustling of a bush to his right caught his attention and he turned in time to catch another cat coming out into the open.

'Darkstripe,' he purred with a flick of his ear. 'I trust you have brought me news.'
Darkstripe scowled, the tip of his tail twitching irritably. 'Hello to you too, Tigerstar,' he grumbled, 'And yes, I have news. I have searched both the ShadowClan and WindClan camps with no trace of kits.'

Tigerstar blinked, keeping his annoyance in check and spat, 'Then I suggest you keep looking and report back to me tomorrow at midday. Now, get moving!'
'As you wish, Tigerstar,' Darkstripe meowed and began to turn away. 'Next time you see me, I will have more information.'

The large brown tom let out a low hiss as a warning and dug his claws into the ground. His thoughts swirled and he lashed his tail impatiently. He stalked after his accomplice, determined to follow him before pausing. The former ShadowClan leader hesitated, questioning Darkstripe's loyalty to him. Giving his chest fur a quick lick, he dismissed the the thought and headed back into the undergrowth where he had come from. Mist swirled around his paws and he vanished, returning back to The Dark Forest: The Place of No Stars.

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