Part 2

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It was no wonder that many bullied students leave the school. Sometimes, they leave on their own, because they can't stand the torture anymore, other times, the school removes them. The bullies only bully others because they can and they know they can get away with it: they have influential parents or come from wealthy families, so the school can only quietly get rid of the problem and those are the victims that can't stay quiet.

The class in my department didn't have many students but it was enough: 20 students. During the year, 5 students left, and at the end of the year, 2 others were sent to another school in the province. The remaining 13 weren't enough to be left alone in the classroom so they joined us with a class from another department that also lost many students. In total, we were 31, which was a big number but they didn't have any other choice.

You were one of those students. I only noticed you after a week because I got used to keeping my eyes low not to anger any of my classmates. You sat beside me. People usually tend to avoid me since they could also become victims of the bullies but you knew it and it was your decision.

"Is this seat taken?" you asked me. When I heard your voice, I had a moment of hesitation. I kept staring at the wooden desk but then I thought that you might have accused me of being rude for ignoring you and that would have been a good enough reason to pick on me, so I raised my eyes.

"No, it isn't," I replied. Your eyes were cold. I genuinely thought you were a bully too.

"Then, can I seat here?"

"You can if you want..." I told you, unsure. "But I don't think that's a good idea."

"What? You fart a lot?"

I was taken aback. "No! I don't."

"I suppose it's fine then," you said and took the chair out to take your desk. You started getting ready for the lesson and didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything to me. Every time someone spoke to me, it was to make a comment, make a joke, or give me an order. Still, I was suspicious of you.

The lesson proceeded as usual. You took your notes very diligently, writing almost everything the teacher said, making graphs and small summaries to keep your memory fresh. If you were to tell me you were the top student in your class, I would have believed it and later I'd find out you really were.

Your behavior wasn't the one of a bully. And it wasn't the behavior of a bullied either.

At the end of the last lesson before the lunch break, the teacher gave us surveys for our future career choices. I stared at the paper with a pen in my hand. What should I write? My future, my future was stolen from me. My dream was as meaningful as an ant's life. After everything they did and said to me, a miserable life of insignificance and sadness sounded perfectly fit for me. I kept wondering and pondering until you turned to me.

"What do you want to do when you grow up, Chaewon?" you asked me while you were lazily spinning your pen between your fingers.

"I- I don't know, what about you?" I stuttered. I couldn't bring myself up to pronounce those words. I felt as if I had been banished from even muttering them and thinking about it only brought me horrible memories.

"Web security," you said. "I go around and check companies' safety in their servers and sites. I've already started an internship so I'm sure it's what I'm going to do."

"An internship? This early?"

"Yeah, I figured the more experience I get, the better. I got nothing better to do anyways."

"Don't you have any hobbies? Don't you hang out with your... friends?"

"I don't have that many friends, to be honest," you replied nonchalantly. "I mean, I do go out like once every three months so it isn't a lot but I still have friends I can talk to. I've never been good with people, I guess."

I Just Can't Help It // Chaewon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now