Chapter 2 - Wedding Disaster

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With yesterday still fresh in my mind I decide to go on a little research. Maybe Cindy has changed and I'm just being to paranoid over my best friend going to marry an old enemy? Can I even still call him my best friend, I mean we haven't seen each other for years.


I open my laptop and wait for it to start. This may or may not also be a reason that I want to have the job of my boss. We have to use a laptop or computer from our work, but they give us older ones that are already used. When you don't have a high position in this company you will be worth less than others and you can see that by your paycheck and supplies, believe me.

When it's finally on I click on Google Chrome and type in Facebook. Cindy Cleaveres, is what I type in and I see her profile picture. I click on it and her face is now on my screen. Disgusted I go through her posts and see some pictures with Harry. They look quite in love actually.

Annoyed I scroll further and see some of her ex'es. Chuckling I also stalk them for a while and I got aware that she and Harry only had been dating for four months. He marries a girl with such a slutty history, sorry, in only four months. Four, months. In disbelief I decide to add Cindy as my friend without even thinking. I gasp at my sudden action and try to delete it but she already accepts me. Well she's fast, she must be one of those persons who can't even look away from their phone.

Sighing extremely hard I turn off the laptop. This is just great, now everyone will think I am a Stalker. Which in fact I am but not everyone needs to know, right?

Beeeeeep, Beeeeeep

My phone lights up and I sigh once again.

"Hello, this is Angel" I say

"Hi Angel, it's Harry. I was wondering if you'd like to come and have dinner at our house tomorrow?"

I swallow hard. Is this really happening to me?

"Of course, I would love too" I say, sounding excited but I'm honestly not.

"Great, great I look forward to seeing you" he says. I can hear the excitement in his voice and it makes me smile. I'll just do this for him

"Oh and Angel?"

"Yes, Harry?"

"Put on a dress, it's kind of fancy"

A dress? I don't own a dress!

"S-Sure, umm I need to clean up now I'll see you tomorrow text me the time and location okay. Bye" I say quickly hanging up.


I dial Alisha's number right after. Beeep, Beeep. I swear to God if she doesn't answer her pho-


"Alisha!," I kind of shout "you need to come with me to the mall now. I'll explain everything there but you need too. I can pick you up and I will give you lunch if you join" I say out of breath.

"Wow okay, fine just come over" she says hanging up. I sigh, relieved she's going with me.

Gathering all the stuff I need I walk out of my apartment. What kind of dress should I wear? Long, short, flowy, body fitting? Should I try to be prettier than Cindy so I can show her I changed? Or not?

I keep wondering why Harry called me out of the sudden. I am pretty sure she told him about me adding her on Facebook and he probably came up with the idea to invite me over.

Without even realising I was this fast I am in front of Alisha's door.

I park my car in front of her house and honk. I wait impatiently in my car until she comes out. To go back to the dress, I think it is best to ask Alisha what to wear. I thought of something red at first, but red is mostly used to be sexy and I don't want to make an impression if you know what I mean. What about green? That is always beautiful and classic, but once again what model should I go for? Ugh, why is this so difficult!

"Are you ready?" Alisha says stepping into the car. I nod and turn on the engine again, immediately driving away. I tell her the whole story and she tells me she knows 'exactly' what we are looking for.

* * *

'Look at this!' Alisha shouts and I turn my head. My mouth forms in a smile and I walk over to her, grabbing the dress from her and holding it in front of me in the mirror. This is stunning.

A/N: Hello peeeeeps!! Are you still enjoying this story? :) I love you all so so so much!

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What do you all think about Cindy? Do you think Cindy changed or is she still the same?


Creds from cover go to _eloquent :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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