3 「B R A N D - N E W」 4

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point of view

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐄, Jacob only leaned up a bit over the girl, planting a light kiss right on top of her clit, causing a small tremor to run through Catherine's body.

The girl's hip bucked into his lips before he moved away going further up Catherine's body with another kiss, just littering kisses up his girl's torso.

Even dipping his tongue out to lick up a strip on her belly, which quickly caused a whimper to leave Catherine's lips, although she was grateful that she had any sort of break.

With the way he was acting she sort of expected him to want it fast and rough, even completely influenced by his shift he was still soft and sensual.

"Jacob." Catherine moaned out the boy's full name, causing Jacob to look up darkly through his eyelashes almost immediately making eye contact with the girl.

Which in turn caused a small squeak to leave her lips, this was the darkest she'd ever seen his eyes before, they had become so animalistic, so feral.

"Fuck, 's not enough," Jacob slurred as the burn in his stomach intensified, he just needed to be inside of her, to be completely in her. "need to be in you, Bunny."

At his words, Jacob continued to lick up her body until he made it to her boobs, his eyes frantically gazing over the small white crop top that adorned the girl's chest.

It was a complete shame and travesty in Jacob's mind that she still had any article of clothing on her body, which he quickly planned to fix.

"Need to feel more of my perfect little Bunny." Jacob praised his girl whilst lingering kisses along her sternum right under her shirt, at least that was until he suddenly leaned up.

His hand straight away ripped open Catherine's white crop top, causing the girl underneath him to arch her back as a loud gasp left her lips.

However before she could protest, Jacob had dipped down quickly pulling both of her breasts from her bra and latching on to her left nipple.

"Ohmygod." Catherine squeaked as both of her hands quickly wrapped around Jacob's head, the girl letting out stuttered breaths as she felt the boy suckling on her breast.

Her hips grinding and bucked up and down against Jacob, causing him to grind down against her, his dick just barely missing the opening of her cunt.

"Look at my pretty slutty bunny," Jacob spoke as he finally unattached himself from Catherine's chest, although that didn't stop him from bringing his hand to wrap around her throat. "every time, you just lie through your teeth, always wanna have me inside you, don't you?"

"Jake." Catherine was only able to whine out as one of her hands came to grip the one that was holding her throat, the other still holding onto the back of Jacob's head.

"No, answer me, Bunny," Jacob stated harshly through gritted teeth as he tightened his hold on the girl's throat, pulling a small whimper from her mouth as he forced her head to tilt back. "tell me how much of a slut you are."

As he instructed her to degrade herself, Jacob couldn't help but lean back getting a clear view of Catherine's entire body, before he reached down grabbing a hold of his new and improved dick.

It now, after his transition grew from its old size to eight and a half inches, but not only did it grow longer it also grew thicker around four inches all around.

And with his position laid on Catherine's lower stuck, it reached up to cover her belly button, which quickly caused a wide-eyed Catherine to blush.

"I-I-" Catherine stuttered as she felt the boy running his dick up and down her cunt, although not sticking himself inside of her just teasing at her entrance causing a deep red blush to invade her face. "I'm a slut, a little bunny slut."

As she confessed what he wanted her to, Catherine couldn't help but avoid eye contact with the boy, unable to turn her head away from him due to the hand that was around her throat.

"And who do you belong to,"  Jacob continued to ask and tease as he felt her entrance constricting against his tip whenever he ran it close enough to her, although it was her blush that was turning him on the most. "who owns this tight little bunny cunt?"

"You, Jacob," Catherine whined out as she started grinding her cunt up against his moving dick, the two moving in opposite directions  "only you, please."

"'s what I thought." Jacob smirked as he finally positioned himself to be at her entrance, the boy getting ready to finally enter her as he really couldn't take the burning anymore.

Although before he could even enter her, Catherine's empty hand had come to push against his waist, stopping him from moving and thrusting into her.

"Don't think it'll fit." Catherine whimpered as she looked up at him and not moving her hand, although her words only caused the smirk on Jacob's face to grow.

The boy chuckled at her words before he tilted his head with a determined look on his face, he enjoyed seeing her bottom lip whimper at the thought of taking him, he loved that look of lust and fear in his girl's eyes.

"Aww bunny, we can make it fit, can't we?" Jacob asked partially psychotically as he let go of her neck, in turn grabbing her arms and holding them up against the door handle of the car.

Before he moved his hand back down to his dick, once again positioning it right at Catherine's entrance, the boy glancing down into the bunny's eyes watching the look on her face as he started to enter her.

His eyes took in her beauty as she gasped silently once he first pushed into her, although she never closed her mouth as a gutter moan left her lips before she threw her head back.

Her hips bucked up high allowing Jacob to fully fuck himself into her slowly, at least that was until he was nearly two-thirds of the way in.

Which is when he suddenly snapped his hips into hers, causing every last nerve in Catherine's body to explode, her leg almost immediately shaking just from being so full.

Her cunt contracting and convulsing along with her legs and lower hips, the girl's entire body shaking with Jacob still stuffed inside of her.

"Oh My...Fuck!" Catherine groaned as her back fully left the seat, the girl hadn't expected to cum all of a sudden, it completely blindsided both her and Jacob.

This was clearly shown on the boy's fast as he looked down at her shocked, his mouth partially opened as he watched convulse, a few stray groans leaving his mouth as he felt her contracting around him.

"Did you just?" Jacob asked in total shock as Catherine's legs slowly stopped shaking, the girl finally coming down from her sudden high.

"Mhmm." Catherine hummed nodding her head as she finally stopped convulsing, the girl unable to cover the harsh blush on her face as her hands were still being held by Jacob.

Hearing her words, instead of responding Jacob let out what sounded like a deep burr as he leaned back down towards Catherine's face.

Burying his head in her neck as he began to slowly pull himself out of the girl, causing Catherine to suck in a slurred breath that had quickly turned into another moan.

She felt so full, felt every inch of her cunt being taken up by her dick, it was a travesty she hadn't been able to have this version of his dick from the beginning.

She felt like she could feel it in her chest, every time he thrust back into her cunt, she felt a shock run through her body, especially as every part of her body jiggled from the force behind the thrust.

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