Old times- stucky

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As me and Bucky lay in bed together with Alpine laying on the window and Dodger lay on end of the bed. As the rain running down the window and soft music in background was peaceful . Bucky put his head on my stomach as I drawing and while I am playing with his hair. When I say he loves it I mean he LOVES it when I play with his hair.

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't know what I was drawing until look at it. It was drawing of my old team they were laughing and smiling. My team my family and I watched them die in front of me or die from old age. I can't get them back. They made me feel so loved and seen. They were the family I always wanted and I had but I lost them.

Me and Jim are at the bar that Gabe and Dum want to meet us at. As me and Jim laughing and having great time that when Gabe and Dum arrive. "Hey Steve" Gabe say and set down and take off his hat and sigh and lay his head down on his arm. I laugh "long day huh" he just nodded.

"So Steve what would you what do after the war" Dum ask I smile "I would love to pick up my art again and-" I can't tell them that I am with Bucky that will get myself killed. "Steve what are you hiding?" Jim ask looking at me. I look down take a deep breath.

I can trust them they save my life countless times why is it hard to tell them that I am gay. Gabe can tell this is serious "Steve you can trust us" he says and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I am gay and I hope one day I can marry Bucky" I say this as I look down. I was really for the disgust and hatred. But it never came I look up and see my friends smile so huge.

Dum wrap his arm around my neck with biggest smile ever "I am so happy for you Steve and can I be the best man to your wedding" he says "what no I want to be the best man" Gabe says. After that we all were smiling and having fun. For the first time I felt I belong somewhere. I found my family.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt cold and hot hands on my face. I look up and see Bucky with concern look. "Stevie are you okay" if it was someone else i would lie and yeah I am okay. But this Bucky. And the pain in my heart was too much. I lost my first family who mean the world to me. I can't have them back.

It hurts so much I can't breathe it hurts to breathe. Bucky look at me and see the pain in my eyes as I cry. He wrap my tears and hold me tightly. "Shhh it okay I got you" I cry in his chest and holding him so tight like he will leave me too. "I am here doll I am not going anywhere" he kiss top of my head.


I was about to sleep but then I heard sniffing I look up and see tears running down his pretty face. I hate seeing him in pain if I can I would take all his pain away.

As I hold him he come down little "are you okay stevie" he shake his head no "do you want to talk about it" I say as I run my fingers through his hair. "C- can y- y- you get me water" he say in shaky voice. I kiss his forehead "of course baby" I went to get his water with Alpine and Dodger following me.

When I got back he was in my hoodie and setting up in the bed playing with his wedding ring. Alpine made her way to the bed and curled up in Steve lap and Dodger laying his head in Steve lift leg. At this Steve relaxed more and pet them. I walk to the bed "here is your water baby" he look up and smiles but it was his real one.

I set down in front of him and cup his face he lean in my touch. "When you are ready to talk I am here" he lean his head on my chest I rub his back. After while he finally spoke. "I miss them Bucky" I look at him confused but then see his drawing and pick it up and see tear stained paper. Oh my poor Stevie.

"Aw stevie I know" I say he look at me "they were my first family I had after mom die. Hell they support us and kept our secrets when they could have rat us out but they didn't" he take a deep breath "they believed in me Bucky they care about Steve Rogers not Captain America" his voice breaks.

My heart is breaking for him "I had everything I ever wanted you and a family but then I lost it all" he cried "I miss them so much Bucky it hurts" I hold him tightly. "I know you do but they are always in-" I point to his heart "here forever". He lean on me as I hold him at this point Alpine and Dodger moved.


Bucky pull me in his lap and hold me tightly and I buried my face in side of his neck. He rubs my back and kiss my forehead. "What would you think what they would think about us now" I ask Bucky "they would be so proud of you" at that I smile.

After while we are in the living room cuddling up and watching a movie. My eyes start to get heavy. Bucky look down to me and smile "go to sleep you deserve it baby" and kiss my forehead. "I love you bucky" he smiles "I love you too Steve". And with that I fell asleep knowing I have bucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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