the surface a new part

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As frisk pleaded for mercy we thought after everything she's done we should leave to die

(3/n) pov

I think maybe she gets a last chance I mean what can she do with one life I mean shes proven she can't do anything without dying so why not spare her according to you sans she's done pacifist routes sans;; he says as his eye glows kid if you try anything were ganna give you a hell of a bad time ;)

3rd person

(1/n) a sans how are we ganna go to the surface sans he says kid I know you have that demon following you she should have dt souls from frisk genocide routes ask chara to hand you one (1/n) hay chara can I have a dt soul chara sure she hands you one I give it to asgore he says how I said nonya business he said ok
He brakes the barrier frisk walks through stands next to (3/n) they blush

Frisk pov

They spared me mainly (3/n) I want to thank him but when I'm near him I feel like I'm shy and he seems to blush though I am to so I walked off I went to sans he said that it's fine if I stay with them because he knows I can't do anything so I had time to see if (3/n) wanted to go out with me

(3/n) pov

I spared frisk but I think I have a crush on her I heard that she is staying with us so I have time to ask frisk out

Chara pov

I feel stupid I can use one if frisk souls to be alive again


They all moved in chara said that she wants to show her self she will truly be alive

3rd person pov

For some reason (1/n) had us all meet in the living room he said not to kill it? What would we kill all the sudden chara apperad she said not tell asgore and toriel she wanted to live with us we all asked where would she sleep she said with (1/n) obviously sans would not lose this chance to tell the joke and he said you want to sleep with him and do what chara turned red so did you in complete embarrment all though they took it pretty well

Frisk and (3/n) pov

Frisk walked in my room seemed nervous she said a (3/n) d-do you wanna go somewhere to go out and eat (3/n) want me to invite the rest frisk n-no just us (3/n) sure how bout tomorrow at 10.00 ok frisk yeah

(1/n) and chara ;)

(1/n) chara walked in my room normal not like that guys she said (1/n) wanna go somewhere to eat (1/n) sure want everyone else to go chara no just us (1/n) sure we will go to grillbys how bout today now chara sure

I go to my dresser and grab a suit and went to the bathroom to change frisk walks past and said hay (1/n) where are you going in a suit I blush trying to ignore her she continues to ask I grab my keys and wait for chara at the door I see her walking through I say wow you look nice I'm pretty sure frisk figured out we were going out on a date chara asked what we ganna do after grillbys
How bout we go to the park to walk chara says sure (1//n) says where here we walk in we order a burger we sat down and we saw sans

Sans pov

I saw (1/n) and chara I asked what their up to chara and (1/n) spoke at the same time and shyly said a date I was slightly shocked but I kinda knew that they had crush on each other

(1/n) and chara pov

We finished eating and talking he seemed fine with me and chara well dating we drove to the park and we sat on the bench chara asked if it was fine to draw I said sure so I asked what she was drawing she said you will find out when I'm done :) I said ok

Time skip bout a hour
:) ;) XD

She finished drawing I asked if I could see she said sure ;)
I looked she drew us sitting on the bench she leened on my shoulder I just let her and looked at the stars it was.... Nice
This was really nice though I knew it won't last forever so I would enjoy it well it lasted chara woke up and stared into the stars with me although in was 12.00 at night so she went back to sleep I picked her up in bridal style and brought her into the car and we drove back home I put her in her bed which is my bed we covered up and snuggled and went to sleep

Howdya like the chapter sorry I took so long to post I was busy see ya in the next chapter

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