First Light

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The sound of a cane and hurried footsteps echoed through the halls leading to the infirmary. Graying hair bounced with each step as the old woman walked purposely with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Could it be true? After all this time?" Nyssa's heart was beating fast and the questions zooming through her mind popped up even faster.

"Could it really be her?" Oh, how she wanted it to be her.

When she finally set her eyes on the door she'd been looking for she saw they'd put a guard outside of the room; a young looking male with blond curls that almost formed a halo around his head. As if he needed to look more angelic than he already did just by having those huge white wings attached to his back. He watched her approach and quickly got in between her and the door.

"I am so sorry, my lady," He said politely "but I've been told to not let anyone in until Lord Thesan returns."

The woman, Nyssa, looked at the boy through wrinkled narrowed eyes. She took in a deep breath and let out a deep sigh.

"Very well." She took a step back and saw the guard relax. Then she screamed  "CAELUS! LET ME INSIDE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL BRING DOWN THIS DOOR AND YOUR GUARD ALONG WITH IT!"

The blond was so startled he'd instinctively put his hand on his sword. The look of bewilderment on his face almost made her laugh.

From the other side of the door they heard an exasperated sigh and a voice that said, "Just let her in, Fabian."

The guard shook himself out of his shocked state and cleared his throat, opening the door for her. A sly smirk made its way to Nyssa's face as she strutted inside. Before she entered she stopped in front of him, a smug glint in her brown eyes.

"I changed your High Lord's dippers, boy." She said. "Don't you forget that."

He nodded, looking like a boy who'd just been scolded.

She walked in and as she took in the girl laying in the bed all her smugness went out the window. She didn't even stop to address the male standing near the foot of the bed. If it hadn't been for her cane, she was sure her legs would have failed her.

Auria. It was Auria.

She set her hand on the sleeping girl's arm. Yes, she was here, she was real. Happy tears threatened to fall, but she blinked them away. She looked the exact same as she did thousands of years ago, like she had been plucked out of time and put into the present. Looking at her like this though -wingless, wrapped in bandages, pale as snow- she looked so vulnerable, so mortal.

She cleared her throat, pulling herself together. "My nephew has not come to see her yet?"

The Captain shook his head. "He's away at Summer. We sent a message not long ago, he should be here soon."

"Good. I want to be here when he comes."

He nodded. Then in a serious voice added, "She was wearing that amulet when she fell."

He gestured to the amber stone laying on her chest. It was attached to a gold chain and glistened like it had just been polished, proudly displaying Nyssa's family crest on it's surface. Yes, she remembered that amulet. A heavy weight appeared in her chest and she swallowed thickly.

"She's not human is she? I can't imagine a human surviving such a fall."

"I'm not sure" Nyssa said quietly, eyes still on the girls face as if she could disappear at any second. It was true. Once upon a time she might have answered differently, but now, Nyssa didn't know what to believe

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