Blackpaw (OPEN)

16 2 15

A couple things to take note of: if you win, you will NOT own the apprentice. I will still own them. Prizes...

1st place prize: a follow if I haven't followed u, and if I have... a shoutout and 7 votes!

2nd: 3 votes

3rd: 2 votes

Also: each will be open for either a week, or until I get 6 people entered whichever comes first.

Name(s): Blackkit, Blackpaw,

Gender: She-cat

Amount of littermates: 1

Littermate: Primrosepaw

Personality: Blackpaw is a fickle she-cat, often having mood swings. She loves to swim and climb, and often gets her and Primrosepaw into trouble with her antics. She loves elders stories, and loves taking care of them. Blackpaw is always either super cheerful, tail wagging, jumping up and down, super excited, willing for anything. Or she is moody, tail dragging on the ground, unwilling to do anything, grumpy, short temper.

Training to be: Warrior

Looks: Blackpaw is a little plump, with short fur that puffs out when dry. Her pelt is black, with little spots of gold on it. She has warm golden brown eyes. Her legs are long and her tail stubby but fluffy.





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