Chapter 9: Confession

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(y/n) pov:

Four days have passed. My feelings for Shiromi became deeper and deeper. It was almost to the point where it was unbearable. I couldn't hide my feelings any longer. I had to say something. But some part of me is wondering, 'what if she doesn't like me back,' or 'what if this goes wrong?' I couldn't stay silent any longer.

Today is Friday... the day I confess to her.

I was gonna wait for the day to roll by. Gather up all the courage within the next 7-8 hours of school. At the end of school, I'll confess. I'm not really sure about this 'Cherry Tree' myth. But hearing all the stories about it. I couldn't deny it. Maybe it was true. Maybe it isn't. Hell, I couldn't think of any other place to confess. That tree was the perfect place to do it.

But anyway, I sighed and walked into class with Shiromi by my side. She noticed my worried look, and raised a brow. "You look down in the dumps. What's wrong?" Shiromi asked me.

I snapped out of it and shook my head. I quickly made up an excuse. "Ah, it's nothing. I forgot to eat breakfast again, is all." I responded.

"Okay then..." Shiromi replied with a bit of skepticism. We sat down and waited for class to start. It was warming to know that she cared about my well-being. She did notice something was wrong. Even still, I bet she's still wondering what the hell's up with me today. But I just shrugged it off and drifted deep into thought.

I was still wondering how I was gonna confess to her today. I thought of many different outcomes. Some good, some bad, some a living nightmare. I hope it wouldn't. That would wreck my soul if this didn't go well.

But anyway, the bell rang and everyone started to walk in. The teacher started to jot down notes on the board. We were supposed to have a test today, which was a bit overwhelming. But it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Thank God I studied...


The bell rang for the weekend. Now was the time. My hands shook as I slowly got up from my desk. I walked out the door and towards the lockers. I went to Shiromi's locker and got out a note from my pocket. My hand was trembling as I slowly slipped it into her locker. I sighed and looked down at the ground. 'Hope this goes alright...' I thought to myself. I walked away and made my way upstairs. 

I got back to the Student Council room, where we had our usual meeting. Nothing much was going on with the school. Another one of those money count ups for each club in the school. That lasted for about 15-20 minutes. Aoi was eyeballing me the whole time we were there. Her unpleasant gaze was making me uncomfortable the whole time I was in there. But I just decided to ignore it and focus on the meeting.

After we were done. I quickly walked out of the room and started to rush outside. The sunset was gorgeous, yellow-orange dim light. It was warm but cool. It was my kinda weather. I got to the cherry tree and hid behind it. 

My heart started racing and my thoughts were spiraling out of control. I sighed and grunted. "You're such an idiot! Why did I even decide to do this?! Why am I doing this?! What if this goes horribly wrong. I might make this awkward and make her dislike me. I might piss her off, or even worse... getting friend zoned. Ugh." I rambled. 

I then peaked out from behind the tree and saw Shiromi there. I gasped and almost lost it. After two seconds, I took a breath and calmed down. I slapped both of my cheeks and shook my head. "Alright, (y/n). Top G, alpha as fuck..." I whispered with determination. 

I then stepped out from behind the tree and walked in front of Shiromi. Shiromi looked forward and caught sight of me. She raised her brow. "So, it was you who wanted to meet me here." She asked.

"Yeah... strange times, huh?" I responded blushing, holding my arm.

"I guess..." Shiromi replied.

"So, there's something I wanted to say to you... for a while now. But, I don't think you're ready to hear it." I told her.

Shiromi raised a brow. "C'mon, sloppy. I'm all ears." Shiromi encouraged. 

I took a breath and made eye contact. "Alright. I've been thinking about you for a while. Well... more than a while. Since the first day we met, actually. I have to say, I've developed these... feelings... for you." I announced to her with hesitation.

"What kinda feelings?" She asked.

"You know, like... feelings. Romantic feelings. Affection as people would like to call it. I didn't try to tell you about this before, cause I was afraid of how you were gonna react." That feeling in my chest started to tighten more and more. It felt like my heart was melting with anticipation. I tried to ignore it the best I could. But damn, wasn't it difficult. 

Shiromi didn't seem fazed the slightest bit. She still wore her smile, while looking at me with her dim, black eyes. "I already knew you had this sorta crush on me." She responded.

My eyes widened. "W-What...?" I replied, dumbfounded.

"You know, you're REALLY bad at lying. The way you act around me is even worse. I see how nervous you get. You don't even bother to hide that blush on your face, do ya?" Shiromi said. I rubbed my head not knowing what to say. "To be honest, I felt the same way about you." She added on.

I was beyond dumbfounded. An intense feeling of warmth had flown through me. I was flattered. "R-Really? You really felt the same way...?" I asked, blushing.

"Yes, sloppy. I do." She replied with a smile.

I rubbed my head. "So, the feeling's mutual. Huh?" I asked.

"I guess you can say that."

"You know, Shiromi. I didn't expect you to feel the same-" Shiromi then cut me off by putting her finger on my lip. She smiled. "Just shut up and kiss me." Shiromi said. We then embraced each other and in that second. We smashed our lips together.

Cherry blossoms started flying around us. That fussy feeling in my chest made my heart feel like it was melting, in a good way. Her lips were so soft, and she felt so delicate. I started to feel light-headed. I had to be dreaming.

Aoi was definitely gonna kill me after this...

We then broke the kiss and looked at each other. My eyes started to water up with tears of joy. I made a weak smile as we looked into each other's eyes. "Getting sentimental, are we?" Shiromi teased.

"I'm sorry. That was too perfect." I responded.

Shiromi gently put her hand on my cheek while looking at me with a warm smile. 

"I love ya, sloppy."

Those words literally made my heart melt. I smiled at her. "I love you too, Shiromi..." I said, letting her go.

We both sighed. "Well, it's been a long day. Don't you think?" Shiromi asked.

"You could say that..." 

"Wanna come with me, back to my place? I promise It'll be a blast~" Shiromi asked me.

Those words made my world light up. After a couple seconds, I snapped out of it. "How could I resist you?" I said, as we grasped each other's hands.

"Then let's get outta here." She said as we walked away from the tree hand in hand.

I didn't anticipate this. But hey. I do love surprises...

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