+ Hey, you seem pretty cool. +

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Whitty's POV:
Running, running, running, running, RUNNING. That's all i seem to ever do. Why can't I just have one day, ONE. DAY. Of peace? What did I ever do so wrong to deserve this? A taskforce and now this corruption thing?! What else could possibly happen today..

I quickly ran into an alleyway, trying to lose this creature chasing me. He was corrupted so I wasn't gonna try anything. Not today not tomorrow. I've already had enough of this.. Why did it have to start?

Carol's POV:
I walked down an alleyway, not expecting anything to happen since it seemed like every other one. Ohhhh how I was wrong. Some reeeaaaally tall guy come running into the alleyway I was walking down, seemingly very annoyed. I didn't think much of him except for his head. It was a bomb. I couldn't see much except for his annoyed expression. He stood out to me in a weird way that I couldn't figure out why. I wanted to chase after him and talk but I didn't want to either because I've never met this guy before?

He ran out of the alleyway and I heard something from behind us. Then I saw a corrupted running into the alleyway and I immediately ran out of there, in the direction the bomb was going. I was kinda far behind him since he was so tall and fast but I was catching up as he was slowing down. He turned into another alleyway as I followed.
I really wanted to get to know this guy-

Whitty's POV:
Why is this girl following me? What could she possibly want from me? Bait? Corruption Bait? Well she's not getting it if that's what she wants.

I heard the corrupted run right pass the alleyway I ran into.
" Hello! " a small voice spoke, her voice was actually pretty cute to be honest.. But I've never met her before so I can't say anything. " What do you want from me? " I said a little bit harshly. " To talk I guess. "

Why bother. I don't just talk to strangers. You can't trust anybody. "Uhh, no. Number one, I've never met you before. Number 2, I can't trust anybody, EVER. And number 3, why should we talk? " I wasn't in the mood to talk anyways. I don't really talk that much anyways. " I know but still, you seem cool. Wanna be friends? " The short girl replied, not really caring that we just met. I sighed and replied to her even though I just wanted to explode right then and there. " ..Whatever " " We can help each other through the corruption, together? " The word 'together' echoed in my mind for a second. I thought about what she said since she really had no reason to actually talk to me, neither help me. I'm fine on my own. I don't need anybody else getting killed. " Alright. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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