chapter 1 vivid roses

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Keith's mom: Keith wake up..!!! Your gonna be late again
Keith: mother, I don't think going to school makes sense anymore everyone hates me for no reason
Keith's mom: Shut up,!! Are we gonna talk about this again of course everyone hates you because you are a weird scum you have done nothing to this family but bring trouble!!!! Just get up and go to school
Keith: okay mother I'll prepare for school.
Keith's mom: whatever it's the only helpful thing you could do, I command you to finish school and be successful
Keith: mother I don't think I can do that for you
Keith's mom: I don't care if you think you can't do it I only take care of you for that reason anyways I would have put you up for adoption
Keith: ok mother ..... I guess I'll go to school and me successful...

  Time passes by

Keith: bye mother...... I'll be walking to school now..
Keith's mom: I don't care
Keith: *starts walking towards school*
Liam: look it's the weird girl *Laughs*
Keith: uhh umm, hello
Liam: Hey slut, why don't you quit school and just be a stupid whore, in that way you'll be useful somehow
Keith: *walks away disgusted*
Liam: yeah that's right just walk away
Keith: .....
Liam: *picks up a small rock and throws it in Keith*
Keith: *runs away*
Keith: finally I have arrived school..* heads to the classroom*
Miss Clarence: Keith..!! Why were you late again huh?!!
Miss Clarence: yeah that's right, you wouldn't dare to speak,.. you probably went to a whore party since your just a stupid slut!!!
Everyone: *laughs*
Keith: No miss Clarence i promise you it was liam-
Miss Clarence: enough of your lies!! Liam would never do that now just sit down and listen to my lesson so you would get a good mark
Miss Clarence: maybe your just jealous of Liam because he got straight A's and your grade is currently going down
Keith:no miss Clarence i-
Miss Clarence: I SAID ENOUGH OF YOUR LIES, now just sit before I call your Parents again
Keith: ok miss..
Keith: * sits down *

  Time passes by

Keith: *sigh* the class is finally over!! And it's lunch
Keith: *heads to the cafeteria*
Kim: hey Keith!! I heard you were at a whore party again this morning how did it go?? Did you blow job a stranger again HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kim: what now your not speaking.?? Your such a creep and you should probably stop studying and become a whore instead
Kim: damn it bitch!! Say something or else I will ruin your life!!
Keith: ..
Kim: alright that's it you scum,!! You disgust me *throws a whole tray of lunch in Keith's face*
Keith: why would you do that for?..
Kim :teacher! Teacher! Keith eats her lunch weirdly and she spat on me!!
Miss Clarence: Keith! To the principal's office right now
Keith: miss I didn't do anything!
Miss Clarence: shut up you lier!! Head to the principal's office or I will drag you there by myself
Keith: ok miss..
Keith: walks in the principal's office
Principal: Keith this is your second strike in this school now miss Clarence.. what did Keith do again?
Miss Clarence: This child is a disgrace sir!! , She eats food distgustingly and spat on Kim!
Principal: Is that true.. Keith?
Keith: no miss principal all of that isn't true I-
Principal: Enough! Keith you were always lying now nobody believes in you, your grades are very low and your totally nothing but a stupid scum Im gonna call your mom and tell her everything that happened!
Keith: please no! I'm begging you
Principal: I already called her
Keith: ...

Time passes by Keith's mother walked into the principal's office

Keith: mother I can explain
Keith's mom: *slaps Keith*
Keith: mother?..
Keith: mother I am very sorry please forgive me
Keith's mom: Let's go now I don't want anyone to see that your my daughter *grabs Keith by the hair
Keith: oww mother stop that it hurts

Time passes by
Tw⚠️⚠️ abuse if your sensitive please immediately stop reading but you might as well skip this part

Keith's mom: *throws Keith on the corner*
Keith: mother why are you doing this??..
Keith's mom: Shut up, why are you so useless *hits Keith with a belt
Keith's mom: all of my financial issues couldn't have happen if I'm not taking care of a stupid hoe like you!! *Bangs Keith's head in the wall so hard causing it to bleed*
Keith: STOP, mom why are you doing this all I have ever done is to try to make you proud *runs to the back yard and closes the door*
Keith:*breaks down on the floor*
Random girl: hey are you alright?you are bleeding
Keith: ....
Random girl: hey I know you have social anxiety but you can trust me! I'm Chara we just moved here!
Keith: oh.. hello you really want to have a conversation with me??..
Chara: of course! I'd like to know your name
Keith: Keith.. my name is Keith , I have a question
Chara: feel free to ask me anything
Keith: why were you in our backyard
Chara: oohh never mind that! Let's play outside
Keith: I can't
Chara:why not
Keith: I'm too shy and most of people in our neighborhood hates me I don't know why..
Chara: that's alright I'll defend you
Keith: ok then.. are you sure you won't leave me alone??..
Chara: of course now let's go! *Grabs Keith by the hand and runs outside*
Chara: let's play catch you run I'll catch you
Keith: oh ok.
Chara: here I come don't get catched!!
Chara: yay I did it I catched you, but you were very hard to catch!
Keith: this is fun..! Can we play again if it's not bad?
Chara: ofcourse this time you'll be the one catching me!
Keith: ok..
Liam: Hey weirdo are you playing with yourself again? HAHAHHAHA
Liam: of course your lonely that's why, like I told you you should just be a stupid whore and quit school
Chara: *whispers to Keith hey tell him that shut up stupid jerk maybe your the one who is about to be a whore and wants to quit school because you kept on saying that*
Keith: oh ok
Keith: m-maybe your the one w-who wants to be a whore and wants to q-quit school because you kept saying that...
Liam: Shut up!! *Storms off angrily*
Chara: Keith you did it you defended yourself
Keith: yeah.. I did it
Chara: and that's nice let's keep on playing

Time passes by Keith and Chara played all day

Keith: I have to go.. my mother is calling me.. bye
Chara: ok let's play again next time byeeee
Keith: *Walks home*
Keith's mom: sit up I made dinner.
Keith: sits down*
Keith's mom: so Keith who was that invisible girl you were playing with?
Keith: what do you mean mother..?
Keith's mom: never mind keep eating
Keith: ok.

Next day

Keith's mom: hey brat wake up
Keith: ok.. I'm gonna get ready for school
Time passes by
Keith: I'm going to school now mom
Keith: walks to school*
Chara: hey Keith!! Let's walk together in the school
Keith: ok..
They arrived school
I'll do chapter 2 soon 😭😭 I'm too lazy to finish this

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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