so um like Jeff doesn't have balls

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"Jack!!!" Jeff yelled as he slid down the hallway, clapping his hands and kissing as though he were calling a dog "Jack! Idiot! Dumb dumb eyeless boy! Where are you?? Cmere!"

"Shut it bitch go make me a sandwich!" He yelled back, unseriously. But Jeff seemed to take it that way as he came down to punch jack into infertility.

And that's how life seemed in cabin 7 of the tall mans forest!

No, the Pastas didn't live in a mansion like you've been led to believe. Instead, they were split into cabins. The cabins were spread in rings around the forest, the tall man having his own place in the middle.

 The cabins were spread in rings around the forest, the tall man having his own place in the middle

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[Map. The area shown here spans over a hundred miles]

Cabin 1 contained Lost Sliver, Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, and Sally.

The next 3 cabins were some obscure pastas they barely knew (X virus was in number 2 though! Toby was adamant about that).

5 had Masky, Hoodie, Rouge, and Kate.

6 was empty, and their very own cabin 7 contained the infamous Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Toby and Ben.

8 had Nina, Clockwork, Jane, and Liu.

And then they didn't exactly know who was in the other 5 cabins.

They were a pretty good distance away from each other, a few miles apart maybe. Names weren't exactly remembered if you weren't quite well known with each other. More or less, you were remembered by your cabin name. Not even The operator kept up with names. It had trouble remembering it's own proxies by name often.

Our story carried on as so. Jeff and Jack throwing insults back and forth every now and then, and Toby and Ben trying to make dinner as their roommates got themselves too busy to help out.

"And then you put this bitch into the other- THING!" Toby muttered to himself as he shoved dry spaghetti noodles into the pot "and then-" he cracked his neck as Ben looked over

"You know we're making chicken, not spaghetti right?"

"s-Hit- Ben! You watched me make sauce and everything! Why are you only speaking up now?!"

"Thought you'd notice way earlier" he glanced over at two infront of the tv, almost feeling sick looking at what a fucking corny couple Jeff and Jack were.

"AHAHAHA! SUCK MY CLIT BITCH!" Jeff cackled, assumingly beating Jack at some..thing. Ben wasnt sure what they wete

"NO. NO. OH YOU FUCKING- STOP!!!" Jack shoved himself into Jeff's side, trying to throw him off desperately in order to win

"Ummmm...Whatcha playingg?" Ben set a hand on the side of his face as he watched them

"MARIO KART. OH HO HO JACK YOUR GONNA GET A MOUTHFUL OF CLIT IN A SECOND-" Jeff didnt even take the time to glance at Ben as he answered

"Jeff-" Toby squeaked as he twitched again "can you stop talking about your clit?? I don't really wanna hear about your-"

"Bros mad that he can't find it" Jack interjected in, struggling to get his character past Jeff's

"Ha, yeah..." Ben stared at the ground.

He did know where it was. He was a FRICKING liar.

Because it's easy to find it when you have one yourself.

He wished he was as confident as Jeff sometimes. Or at least confident enough to tell them the truth.

One day.

Very soon.

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