[2] Play

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Isagi put the ball on the ground.

Isa: Who would be the goal keeper?

Bachi: Maybe Baro can.

Baro: No way!

Chigi: Just chose Ness then.

Kais: Don't bring my best friend into that shit.

Isa: Guys. Let's no fight and chose the goal keeper quick.

After they pick the goal keeper and start playing together.

Team 1
- Isagi Yoichi
- Rin Itoshi
- Chigiri Hyoma
- Bachira Meguru
- Nagi Seishiro
- Nico Ikki (goal keeper)

Team 2
- Sae Itoshi
- Baro Shoei
- Ness Alexis
- Kaiser Michael
- Kurona Ranze
- Mikage Reo (goal keeper)

They all play and Isagi caught their attention the most.

Chigi POV: Shit! Where should I go?!

Isa: Chigiri over here! *wave hand*

Chigi: *kick the ball to Isagi*

Isa: Yosh! *kick the ball*

Reo: Shit!

The ball Isagi kick enter the goal. Isagi team win. \\ Team 1: 5 //\\ Team 2: 3 //

Isa: Yey! We win! *hug his team*

Isagi smile make they all also smile at the boy. They win. Thanks to Isagi a bit. He combined them and they all play in such a good play.

Baro: Dammit!

Everyone look at him. Baro look angry. Isagi look a bit worried.

Bachi: Just admit it that you lose!

Chigi: You have lose Baro.

Nag: Lose.

Baro look at them in pissed before he kick the ball that in front of him to Nagi in such a speed. Everyone was shock make their actions slow. Reo quickly run to Nagi. But the worst thing is that Isagi took the hit instead of Nagi.

Isa: Aargh!

Isagi fell to the ground and he hold his own head that slowly bleeding and he start to cry. Everyone immediately run to Isagi even Baro. Nico look at Baro coming closer and get angry. He grab Baro shirt.

Nic: Baro you dare to come closer after what you did?!

Baro: Th-that's not my fault! He was protecting him!

Reo: So what?! If Nagi get the hit what is the difference?!

Baro: You!-

Isagi keep crying until he grab the ball that in front of him and run into the castle (since the ball is his). Those kids are all shocked and follow Isagi in. Before Baro could follow, Chigiri and Bachira stop him.

Baro: What?!

Bachi: Just stay here you asshole. You're the reason Isagi get hurt!

Chigi: Stupid.

Then both run inside the castle. Baro stay there silent.


Isagi run to his parents make the all the adults shock.

Isa mom: Isagi darling what happens to you! Why are you bleeding?

Isa: Baro kick the ball to Nagi because their team lose but I take the hit. I'm sorry I didn't keep the promise but it's really hurt mommy!

The other kids then arrive. Expect Baro. Nagi look at his parents and he realize that his parents were soo mad. He was trembling. Isagi mom was bandaging Isagi head since Isagi head was the one that bleed the most. Isagi look at Nagi trembling in scared.

Isa: Na-

Nag mom: Nagi come here!

Nagi father drag him by the hand while Nagi was flinching because it's hurting him.

Nag: Father. Hurt! *cry*

Nagi father and Nagi was now not be able to seen when they enter one room. The other kids look at Nagi in pity. Maybe he's gonna get punished by the dad but Isagi didn't know what was happening.

Reo: Nagi....

Isa: Mommy, is Nagi gonna be alright?

Isa mom: It's okay. Let's just hope that he will be alright.

Isagi was soo worried for Nagi. He still new that he doesn't know how aggressive and firm is Nagi parents towards him since he was kid.


Isa mom: Isagi darling. It's time to go back to our country.

Isa: Uh okay...

Kids: Bye Isagi!

Bachi: Isagi next time come to kingdom. We'll play together.

Nico: Come to my place too. My place has soo many delicious food.

Isagi look around. He still didn't see Nagi. He didn't see Baro too since they got in the castle.

Isa: Where's Baro?

Chigi: Probably outside....

Isagi go to where Baro is. Baro was looking at the ground. Remember what he did to Isagi. Baro start to cry.

Isa: Baro?

Baro quickly wipe his tears and look at Isagi.

Baro: What?

Isa: Are you okay?

Baro: Yes I am!

Suddenly Baro felt like someone hug him from behind and it was Isagi.

Baro: Eh... Eh?

Isa: It's okay Baro. It's not your fault.

Baro then start to cry again. Isagi words make him feels calm that make him want to cry. Not everyone always be gentle to him even his own parents and when Isagi said those words to him make him cry and release those hidden feelings.

Isa: I'm going to go now.

Baro: Oh. Well then, be safe.

Isa: I will. Bye Baro!

Baro: Bye....


Isagi look outside the window car. He still worried for Nagi. Isagi look at his mother and ask.

Isa: Mommy will we visit Nagi again?

Isa mom: I'm not sure either... One day we will come again if can....

Isa: Okay then....



Nag: Argh father! Stop! Hurt! Reo!

Nag dad: Shut up! How many time have I tell you never ever play with other! You ungrateful brat! We've pay many teachers to teach you the way to be a perfect prince but what you only become?! Such a useless brat!

Nag: *sob* Hurt!


Nagi body was full with bruise and cut. There was some red mark even blue and purple that cause from his dad. Nagi laying there in the dark and empty room with weak body. He can't even stand or sit properly. Every time he try to move it will hurt him. Nagi open his eyes slowly.

Nag: Want meet.... Reo.... Isagi.....

And he lost his consciousness.

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