☆ Chapter 1 ☆

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"Hayato-San!" I bolted up, breathing shakily. I look at my doorway, only to see the most annoying person I've ever met. "Pardon me, do you not know how to knock, Gyokko-San?" I snapped, sighing as I shifted my blanket off me, getting up from my futon. Even if it was a bit confusing to know where Gyokko's mouth was, I can tell he was snickering at me.
  "There's a meeting, I'd suggest you hurry up!" He taunted. God, he's so annoying. "Then get the hell out, I'm gonna change." I gave his a disgusted glare, telling him if he doesn't get out of my room I'll break his damn pot.

He then waddled out of my room with his stupid pot, it was as if he was purposely moving slowly just to piss me off. I hate him. Before you ask why, it's because he's highly weird, and invades my personal space. Quite frankly, I'm sick of it. I have no idea how Douma gets along with him.
I sigh, before grabbing my usual outfit. It was a pretty black dress with a gold outline of a flower on the top of the dress. Also, I have a really cute cape that drapes off my shoulders with poofy sides.
To top it off, I have stockings that Daki gave me which match with hers, and 2 beautiful gold fans sticking out my dress pocket that Douma gave me as a gift after reaching to upper 3 with Akaza.
   I'll admit, Douma is a pretty good person. But he can be rather childish.. He's pretty cute though. But, oh well. He probably only thinks of me as a best friend anyway. Eh, there's others.

I look up at my ceiling, regaining myself for a bit before moving to my mirror inside my bathroom. I grabbed a small paintbrush, dipping it in red paint before using the brush to gently paint the rose-colored paint on my lips, tinting my lips beautifully. I grab a different brush, this time dipping it in black and following the same guide Daki uses on her eyes. Im soo glad she gave me her guide on her makeup! She's so pretty. I'm almost.. Jealous of her. Even though she's younger than me, she's been a demon way longer then I ever had.
   I sigh, shaking my head. "Think positive, Akane.." I mumble, before walking out my bathroom, combing out my hair as I do so, putting it in a usual traditional style. I can't help but smile when I see my favorite pin.. It's a hair clip my best friend gave me before I turned into a demon when I was in the demon slayer corps. It was gold, and had a design of wisteria carved beautifully on it.

"I miss you, Shinazugawa-San.." I mutter, looking down. Snap out of it Akane! Nowa not the time.. I need to stay focused. Plus, he's apart of the demon slayer corps. They're your enemies now..

Suddenly, my thoughts where interrupted once I heard a soft, "Twang!" And before I knew it, I was in the middle of the infinity fortress. As soon as I realize exactly where I am, I spot Daki almost immediately. I'm guessing she sensed my aura because she looked over at my direction, and squealed in joy. "Hayato-Sannn!!!" She yelled, jumping into my arms. I smile, laughing. "Hey Daki!" I replied, smiling as she waved back.

"Oni-Chan! Say hi to Hayato-San!" She stomped her foot, making her heel clamp against the wooden, polished ground. I then look over to where she was speaking at, and I smile seeing her brother who just simply smiled and waved. I gave him a small nod, and waved back. But, a loud thud made both me and Daki jump, making us look at where the sound came from. Then, we both looked at each other after seeing Enmu and Hantengu arguing. I sighed in annoyance, but then an idea clicked in my mind.

I decided to make a big entrance, smirking to myself.

"How bout I make a little show for everyone.." I mumble to Daki, knowing she knows what I'm thinking. She then nods, and claps her hands. "I can't wait to see their reactions!" She laughed, before sitting back, watching me go up to them.

I immediately changed my aura from calm, and carefree to anger, and coldness. "Just what in the hell are you two ranting about?" I ask, grasping Enmu's shoulder from behind. He gasped softly, a small blush appearing on his face. I mean I've known Enmu likes me and all but, I'm literally trying to scare him. Not fluster him!
Meanwhile Hantengu squealed in fear, hiding behind Gyokko's pot. "Quit making such a loud scenery. It's quite annoying." I growl, giving them both a glare before I walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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