#6 The Rise of the Beast Kingdom

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*Skills & Magic*
{Ciel & Rimuru talking}
[Thought communication]

No One's POV

Milim was in the inn, pondering what she wanted to do, while Rimuru still hadn't returned from whatever he was doing.

(I wonder what I should do. I was the one who suggested becoming a villain, and here I am not doing anything yet) Milim thought.

She then looked out the window at the city, still wondering what to do. She saw some giant birds flying by and remembered the dragons she saw a few hours ago. An idea came to her.

"That's it! I can tame some dragons and let them do the dirty work for me," Milim said.

But someone heard her from behind.

"So you finally decided," Rimuru said.

"Yes, I have, bestie," Milim said with a smile.

"Alright then, so what's your plan? How will you tame the dragons?" Rimuru asked.

"About that, bestie, you said if I need some help, then I can come to you," Milim said.

"Yeah, why?" Rimuru asked.

"Then can you give me a skill that allows me to tame... Wait, no, tame and control all kinds of beasts in this world?" Milim asked.

"Mmm, I think I can," Rimuru said.

He then turned on Thought Acceleration to talk to Ciel.

{Ciel, can you give Milim a skill that allows her to do those things?} Rimuru asked.

{Of course, master. She will obtain the skill Beast Master, Beast Ego, and Food Chain.}

Beast Master is the skill that allows the user to tame any kind of beast and control them.

Beast Ego allows the user to give an ego to mindless beasts.

And you guys probably know what Food Chain can do, so I won't explain it.

{Thanks, Ciel} Rimuru said.

{No problem, master} Ciel replied.

Rimuru then turned off Thought Acceleration.

The Voice of the World (VOTW) could then be heard by the two of them.

"The individual Milim Nava has obtained the skills Beast Master, Beast Ego, and Food Chain."

"The skills Beast Master and Beast Ego have merged into one and became the unique skill Lord of Beasts."

"The unique skill Lord of Beasts has evolved into the ultimate skill God of the Wildest Beasts."

(I know the name of the Skill is bad. Also, I will not explain what this skill can fully do, except the abilities of the two skills that were used to merge this skill.)

{What the hell, Ciel?} Rimuru thought.

{It was necessary, master} Ciel replied.

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