The truth comes out

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Y/n's p.o.v

"Wake up y/n."

I groaned and rubbed my eyes feeling like weights were sitting on my lids. I mumbled a leave me alone and turned over feeling comfortable under my sheets. Wait..sheets? I popped my head up quickly and felt strength arise over my lids as I tore my eyes open to see. The scenery in front of me familiar. I was in my bedroom underneath my bedsheets. I sense of confusion came over me.

"Sleep well?"

I snapped my head to the left side of my bedside and saw Alastor sitting in a chair with a newspaper in hand and a piping hot cup of coffee on the side table. My mind was still hazy with sleep and I blinked a few times to clear my blurred vision.

"When did I fall asleep?" I asked a little lost. The buck straightened his newspaper in his hands seeming irritated. He probably wasn't to happy that I had fallen asleep on him instead of staying up to plan the ultimate fate for Lucifer.

"You fell asleep a little after eating my dear." He peered at me over the paper seeing me with my bedhead and wrinkled clothing. I was sure he was going to snap and tell me how much of a burden I was but instead he knitted his brows together and sighed, placing the newspaper down on his lap. "I apologize for my lack of sympathy last night. I expected more from you than possible and to be quite frank more could've been done if you had the proper rest." I felt as though my jaw had dropped to the floor. The man just apologized to me. I didn't know whether to appreciate it or to ask him where the real overlord had gone. My mouth had other plans though.

"Don't apologize to me."

Alastor raised a brow.

Oh man. Don't kill me please.

"Alright then, fine. I suppose I came off to strongly."

Yep, I shouldn't have said anything.

"Now that you're up I want you in my office in ten minutes. I don't want to hear any complaints or excuses. If I hear one little pipe out of you there will be consequences." The radio picked up his coffee and stood up before waking over to my bedroom door, exiting the room and slamming the door behind him. I stared at the door a few moments confused about the odd behavior that was radiating off of him. Ever since him and I had sex he's been acting really moody. One moment he's treating me like I mean the world to him and then switches up, acting cold and distant. Although, both sides were attractive i more so wanted him to acknowledge me as a possible partner. My stomach tightened at the thought of him being on top of me tearing up my insides. Damn, I really am masochistic. I rolled out of bed and stretched ready to handle another day of planning.

Vox's p.o.v

"Sir, you have someone here to see you." The female receptionist stood at my office door with her fingers crossed in front of her. I raised my head from my paperwork and lifted my brow.

"I don't have any clients on the schedule today Doris. Just tell them to call and make an appointment. I'm busy."

"I'm sorry sir, but he says it's very important. Something to do with-" she whispered the last part. "Alastor."

I stood up quickly and fixed my tie. "Bring him in. Quickly Doris!"

She nodded her head quickly and shuffled away from the door.

Alastor huh? This might actually be interesting. Doris came back with a man behind her. I just about scoffed. His clothing was in rags and it looked as if he had been dragged through the mud. Instead of having hands he had large knives. How different. Does this man truly believe I will fall for his Antics?

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