Chapter 19

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Bella's Pov

One month later

Momma Selena used to tell me as a child that no matter how much I try to forget my old self, It will always be a part of me.

Which brings me back to the present.

I don't know how or when I decided to step foot in the music room.

Looking around the room I noticed how different it is now. Unlike the grey and white theme it was, the room is peach, ivory, lilac and gold colour.

The room is the exact same colour as my room. The colour scheme is my mom and I's favorite colour.

I sat down on the piano seat and had a clear memory.


Five years old Isabella was looking for her mother and heard a soft music playing from the music room. Peeking she saw her mother playing the piano so graciously.

She continued listening to her mother enjoying the music. Valentina noticed the little girl by the door listening to her play.

The moment she stopped playing, Isabella hid herself making her mother laugh.

"I have already seen you Isabella." Valentina said to her youngest child. Isabella came out and walked towards her mother and sat on her lap.

Her mother smiled at her," How's my ray of sunshine doing?" Her mother asked.

Isabella smiled at her,"I'm good mommy, Leo and I went to park."She said excitedly and started telling her about the fun she had.

Valentina smiled at her daughter, she already knew Isabella was going to be a great person when she grows up. She already knew her family treated her differently because of she was more reserved and far different from her sister.

Despite the fact her children and husband showed more attention to Camila, Valentina knew that Isabella wasn't reserved she just had trust issues.

The playing of the piano brought Valentina back from her thoughts. She looked at her daughter and smiled.

"Whenever you're feeling down music is the key to your heart." Valentina said.


Tears were running down my face and I quickly wiped them.

Living in this house has made me gone soft.

I started playing different keys and found myself enjoying it. When I got tried of the piano, I moved to the harp.

I don't know how long I spent in the music room but I eventually fell asleep.


I woke up to someone playing with my hair.

"Wake up, Farfalla." The voice that sounded Adrian.

Waking up fully I looked at Adrian who was dressed casually.

"What's so important you woke me up from dreamville?"I asked him annoyed.

He ignored me.

"Nonna and Nonno are here and everyone has been looking for you in the last five hours." He said standing up and we walked out.


How could I forget my grandparents were visiting.

"When did they come?" I asked him.

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