6 || Niko

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"Get off the rug, you dumbass! You're gonna get blood on it." Rosalie whisper- yells.

I walk over to the couch, wobbly and flop down into the seat next to her. I pull my shoes off and put my feet on Rosalie's lap. She looks at them disgusted.

I may have had a little to drink.

"Go clean yourself up. You're getting blood everywhere." She demands me, I think she has a permanent glare on her face because I haven't seen her without it.


I don't actually remember a lot right now.

"Yes, Ma'am." I say and stand up before falling right back on the couch. Rosalie groans before getting up.

She grabs my hands and pulls me up.

"God, why are you so heavy?" She mutters when we get to the stairs after a few minutes of struggling.

"Ya' know, I can do this on my own." I tell her and she chuckles and looks at me like I'm stupid.

I don't know why.

"You can't even stand up without falling over. There's literally no way you'd be able to make it up the stairs." She says. I frown in response.

She had to teach me how to go up the stairs because I forgot.

Once we finally get up the stairs, Rosalie pretty much drags me to my bathroom in my room. She pushes me onto my bed and starts digging through drawers.

"What are you doing?" I mutter.

She ignores me and keeps digging through the drawers until she finds the first-aid kit. She pulls me back up off the bad and drags me into the bathroom.

She hops up onto the counter and hesitantly spreads her legs to make room for me. I wobbly walk in between her legs. Almost falling over before she grabs my shoulders.

"You're a fucking idiot." She tells me. I stick my tongue out at her and she rolls her eyes.

"You're really pretty." I say and put my hands on her waist to steady myself. Her cheeks turn the slightest shade of red.

Haha. Big bad Rosalie is blushing.

She opens the first-aid kit and grabs the rubbing alcohol wipes. She rubs them on my cuts and I groan.

She puts band-aids on my cuts and then leaves. A few minutes later she comes back with an ice pack. She curses under her breath when she sees that I'm laying on the floor now.

"Put this on your eye." She throws the ice pack at my chest. I put it on my mouth and she rolls her eyes again. She bends down and takes the ice pack from me and puts it on my eye.

"We should go in the pool." I tell her.


"Yeah, let's go." I get up, almost falling over when I do. She shakes her head at me before saying that we're not going in the pool again.

• Rosalie •Where stories live. Discover now