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They buzzed as students ate their breakfast. Some were excited about their classes, others not so much. But one boy was too busy staring at a beautiful redhead named Lily.

James Potter, or prongs known by his friends, or Toe rag known by Lily and her friends. But no matter how much she calls him by that name and rejects every date, James refuses to give up on his future girl. No matter how much Sirius pats him on the back and laughs at him.

" I don't know about you, James, but she seems to hate you." Sirius teases.

" Shut up, Padfoot," James grumbles. " One day, she will say yes and I'll buy her all the jewels in the world."

" With what money," Remus speaks up without looking up from his potions book. Being a prefect sometimes was attention-consuming but after being friends with James and Sirius for five years, it's easier than drinking water.

" My parent's money, duh." James snorts. They all laugh, knowing that it is impossible. They raised James to work for what he wants in life.

" I'm sure you can buy Lily a lot of jewels with all the money in your trust fund." Peter squeaked up, slightly shocking the three others.

Sirius smirked, "Yeah if there are any left." Remus laughed, Sirius was nearly cackling, and Peter was giggling at James' pouting face. James looked away from his friends and stared at Lily. She laughed with her friends, especially Alice, and Dorcas. She was so pretty, and brave, and pretty, and mrt, and beautiful.

Sirius saw him staring again. He was going to flick his ear, but the door slammed open. First were James' parents, Flemont and Euphemia Potter, looking over at James and Sirius with pointed looks. next was Orion a Walburga black. Immediately Sirius scowled at his mother who was glaring right at him. Orion stood stiffly next to his wife.

Abraxas Malfoy Strutted in and immediately nodded to his son who is with his friend's and fiancé, Narcissa Black at the Slytherin table.

Andromeda followed after him with her five-year-old daughter, Nymphadora in her arms. Soon, Molly and Arthur bustle in with their two young children. Five-year-old Bill and three-year-old Charlie. Molly's twin brothers stumbled after them, Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

They all looked confused and immediately looked to Dumbledore. He too is confused by the sistuation. 

The frozen silence was interrupted, " CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Many first-years squeaked. 

Alaster Moody seemed to pop up out of nowhere; His fake eye looking all over the place. Near him are the minister of magic including Amelia bones and the minister of magic, Millicent Bagnold. Then there was a loud thumping, and a tall hairy man emerged behind everyone. The first year huddled together seeing the man. Rubus Hagrid, the gentle giant. He smiled and waved to Dumbledore. The twinkle in his eye glowed.

Dumbledore stood from his seat and greeted the unexpected guest. " Welcome to Hogwarts my dears, but what brings you here?"

Abraxas looked at the old wizard with a bored look. Flemont on the other hand, walked forward, " I don't know about the rest but I got an urgent letter to come to Hogwarts as soon as possible."

The marauders shared a look. 'Urgent, what so urgent?' James mouthed to his friends. they all shrugged.

" I'm sorry, but I have sent no letter and there is no urgent matter." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he curled his hands together.

" Lies." Umbitch says sweetly. " as the headmaster of Hogwarts it is expected the truth from you and your staff."

" But he is telling the truth." Professor McGonagall stood up. " None of us have sent any letters to anyone. This must be a prank of some sort."

Hazel Potter // WTMWhere stories live. Discover now