Papa smurf fluff

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I woke up with a strange feeling in my gut. I felt nauseous as I stood up from my bed. Something just wasn't right. I opened my wardrobe and looked around. I decided I would were a white mini dress with spaghetti straps. I put on my old combat bots and walked out my mushroom flat. Half way down the trail I felt cold hands grasp my waist. I looked up and my eyes meet my biggest enemy. Gargamell. I scream at the top of my lungs as he lifted me up from the ground. I saw the rest of the Smurf colony sprinting towards me with there weapons in their hands. My heart was racing as Gargamell stoped dead in his tracks to watch all of the Smurfs attack him. He jolted with pain as Daddy Smurf shoved a fork into his left ballsack. I felt my body fall towards the ground before everything went black.

I woke up to bright lights shining in my eyes. My eyes darted around the room until something finally caught my eye. A tall figure was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. It was Papa Smurf. His eyes were puffy from crying and tears still lingered on his cheeks. His eyes meet my own as I saw his face droop then turn into the most genuine smile I've ever seen.
-I-I thought I'd lost you forever, Papa Smurf said with a broken voice. I didn't wait a second before smashing my lips into his. He was caught of guard for a second before kissing me back passionately. I felt butterflies in my stomach. It felt like I was flying. When we eventually had to pull away for air Papa Smurf looked into my eyes with so much love.
-I love you, Papa Smurf blurted out without any hesitation.
I love you too, Daddy Smurf.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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