Chapter 4

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I walk in our room and as I open up the door and Damon ask "Where da phone at?"

"Oh it's in the living room man." I say

Damon goes to the living room and looks for the phone then he notices that my little cousin Ashley playing with the phone and when Damon asks for the phone she says no jokily smiles and pretends to hide the phone the she runs back to our room with phone. And Damon rushes behind her " Give me the damn phone lil girl stop playing!" with a frown. Then snatches the phone out Ashely's hand and she starts fall back and then she starts to cry i catch her before her head hits the floor and and pick her up and try to calm her down then I bring her to bed and put the cover on her.

Im mad now I didn't think she needed to be pushed like that she a little girl and plus she was just playing.

So I go over and push Damon and I say " Why did you push my lil cousin like that? She was just playing and she just a baby."

"Because I told her little ass to give me the phone and she wasn't listening so it is what it is. And don't put your damn hands on me again nigga." Says Damon coming closer to me looking me dead in the eye.

I remembered what Uncle Tyrone told me earlier leave it alone but my anger starts to take over and I pushed Damon again, harder this time and he fell back on floor after losing his balance from my hard push. " I just did ! " I say.

Damon gets up with mug on his face and says "I told your punk ass not to touch me again!"

Then he walks up and punches me in the head then starts pushing me against the door. Saying I'm gonna beat your ass boy!" as im going down I punch him hard as I can in his stomach. Then screams "Ahh Shit"! feeling the pain from my punch. he pushes me again hard then *Boom* my head hits the door hard and I grab the back of head because starts to fell a sharp pain. Damn that hurt I say to myself. Start to feel alil light headed and start seeing stars.

" I told you not mess with me nigga." Says Damon trying to taunt me as I go to the kitchen trying to find some ice for my aching head as I go back to the room Ashely starts crying really loud having watched us the whole time she is now scared.

Then the whole house comes in the room to see that is wrong.

"What the hell is going on in here? We heard a loud *boom*." Says grandma.

"They was fightin." says Ashely in her baby voice ratting us out then she starts crying again and grandmama picks her up and lays her head on her shoulders.

"Boy I told you to leave that him alone you know he was in a bad mood." says Uncle Tyrone

"But he was messing with Ashely". I say.

"What did he do to Ashely Travis?" Says grandma looking concerned.

" He pushed hard and she almost hit her head on the floor and she was just playing with him." I say.

"No I didn't." Says Damon.

"Yes you did." I say.

"Ok ain't got time for these damn games tonight. Damon now tell me the truth did you push my baby?" say grandma.

"Yes mam only cuz she wouldn't give me the phone momo." Says Damon.

"Now go over there apologize to your little cousin." Says grandma.

Damon shakes his head getting up slow.

"I said now Damon!" Says grandma

" Man fuck". Damon says under his breath looking frustrated.

" And I don't wanna hear no damn back talk from you Damon" Says Grandma.

"You hear me?"! Ask Grandma

"Yes mam" Says Damon.

Then she puts Ashely down and Damon pats her head and says "Sorry little cuz."

Ashely reaches her little hands out for a hug he hugs her and I apologize to him so we cool again. Then grandmama gets her belt and gives us both a good ass whipping after she says.

" Ok now I don't want you two boys fighting against each other anymore you need to work together not apart when one of you is down the other one should be there to pick you up again and get back in the race my little babies need to stick together the same thing thing been tryna tell your crazy ass uncles stick together family forever you hear me?"

"Yes mam" We both say as I rub my sore behind my head.

Goodnight we all say goodnight to each then Uncle Tyrone, grandma and Uncle Lionel walk out the room and we get ready for bed I go get some more ice for my head and I pick Ashely up and take her to her bed and I lay down and fall asleep like Damon is already.

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