Chapter 4

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Ty-Lee POV

We began swimming down, Tsireya placed a gill mantle on Tuks back and sighed to them "it gives breath underwater".

We all get our own gill montle and continue swimming around watching the people collect food, shells, and more doing their day duties underneath the water's surface.
I was walking to beach admiring the heat from the sand, the noise of the ocean. And soon heard noises over the waves, it sounds like some people fighting. I run over to see Aonung, and some more village boys, fighting with Neteyam and Lo'ak. Kiri was yelling at them trying to stop it, but laughing at the sight of the dumb Na'vi boys fighting. I ran over to see Aonung pulling Lo'aks tail as Lo'ak was hanging on to another village boys ear.

I joined Kiri in laughing at the boys fighting, the sight was hilarious. "Aonung!" I shouted being done with the fighting. He looked up seeing me angered with the sight I was looking at. "ALL OF YOU...ENOUGH!!" I screamed, all the boys paused in there motions, Lo'ak lying on the ground with someone's ear in his grip. Neteyam was half way in the water, with a village boy over him ready to land one more hit on his face.

Before I could say something else the village boys scurried to their feet, "I want the three of you out of my sight" I demanded to the village boys, ignoring the looks from Aonung. I was checking the bruises already forming on Lo'ak and Neteyam. My hand gracing Neteyams back, his skin growing goosebumps. I walked to
The front of him, lifting his chin to face me so I can scan his cut lip. I could hear Aonung growling behind me.

"I'm not going to do anything Aonung, I'm checking the cuts you and your friends created!" I declared. Neteyam gives me a warm smile as I run my thumb on his lip, "does anything else hurt" I asked "no" he replies softly. I smile back "then I guess you are ok to go" I commented softly.

Neteyam and Lo'ak meet with their father at the village and I follow Aonung to patch him up.

"Why!" I shouted as Aonung and I continue walking. "He started it" he shouted back, "why?" I asked demanding a real answer. "My friends-" before he continued I interrupted his answer "ha, friends? Those boys only want to 'hang out' with you because who your father is Aonung" he rolls his eyes and continued where he was left off "my 'friends' made fun of that freak girl" (kiri!) I thought to myself.

I rolled my eyes as we entered his maruis, his father was already filled with rage seeing the bruises he was covered in. "Father-" Aonung didn't have anymore seconds to say a word before his father erupted in shouts. " I told you to show these kids around, teach them our way. I did not say to fight these boys!" I was frozen, I couldn't move, I couldn't escape the maruis. It was a while before his father gave up on yelling at him "go hunt, do something to actually, help, the clan" he uttered shoving him off his way.

Aonung rolled his eyes as he walked passed me. I knew he would be mad at me when he's back. I didn't want to fight but I didn't want to cause this again. I go over to the Sullys maruis to apologize for anything that has happened and to check on Neteyam and Lo'aks bruises.

I walk over to the Sullys maruis's entrance, seeing only Neteyam. I walked up behind him, placing a hand on him back, he didn't turn around he just sat there.

"Lo'ak went to go an apologize to that...that" he was choked on his words, I put both my hand on both of his shoulders. But I was soon shoved over as he stood up moving away from me. "Let me check your bruises...please" I pleaded.

"Im fine Ty-Lee" he demanded, his voice was only anger, he was mad, not just at Aonung and his friends but... also at me. "Neteyam, did I say something?" I asked "no" he snapped "did I do something" I pleaded, "Ty-Lee that's enough" he said softly but only still with anger. "Neteyam I don't know why, but I know you are mad at me"

"Becuase I like you!" Neteyam shouted at me, I was stunned, shocked. How am
I suppose to respond to that. A boy I didn't grow up with , boy I wasn't forced to be with. I do love Aonung but that's all I knew. Was Aonung. I didnt talk to other boys long enough to be so close with them. "Neteyam" I replied calming, my heart raving. I rushed over to him, placing my hand on his back and the other on his arm. I need to look at him, I need to see his face.

"Neteyam I want you to say that looking in my eyes" I demand softly, he turned, the bruise dark purple and growing on his lip. I lifted my hand placing it on his cheek. Instead of fighting it, he embraced my touch. We locked eyes there was a split second before his lips were crashing against mine.

Our burning cheeks pressed against each others. He hissed at the pain my lips would cause on his but that didn't stop him. When we stopped our foreheads leaned against each others, our breath quickening up. We both smile and laugh at the sight and thought of what was happening. But this dream soon crumbled down when I realized what I have done. My smile faded, my heart was racing, and the butterflies I had for Neteyam soon vanished.

"Ty-Lee" Neteyam said worriedly. "Oh my" I stuttered with the realization crashing down on us, of what we have done.

"Ty-Lee it's ok, I am sorry" he stuttered, why, why did I do this, why did he kiss me, why did I kiss back. Before anything else Rotxo came running in with Aonung, my heart dropped. He knew. But he didn't say anything about it all he said was what had happened between him and Lo'ak. I froze. Lo'ak was missing, out in the open ocean, beyond the reefs. All I saw was rage, I no longer saw the boy I grew up and fell in love with, I didn't see the chiefs son, nor my best friend. I saw someone who's living a lie, who's trying to be someone there not.

"What?" Neteyams anger brought me back, I was dazed off with the mirror thought of Lo'ak dead in the open sea.

Neteyam grabbed Aonungs Queue and drags him out of their maruis brushing past me and over to the waters edge.

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