Chapter 1 A World Unraveled

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It was just another mundane day in King County, Georgia. A young man can be seen leaning against his hand as he stares out the window, daydreaming. The faint voice of someone speaking to him echoes in the back of his mind as he takes in the scenery.

The young man was a striking figure; he was rather large for the desk he sat behind with a lean muscular build, a testament to his active lifestyle. His hair was a mix of brown and red, giving it a copper look, often falling into his piercing blue eyes. 

The bell rang, jolting Y/n back to reality. He grabbed his backpack and headed to his next class, glancing at his phone to check the time. As he walked through the bustling halls of his high school, he noticed a sense of unease among his classmates. Whispers and worried looks were exchanged, but Y/n dismissed them. Rumors spread like wildfire in high school, and he had no interest in the latest gossip.

Halfway through his biology class, the door to the classroom burst open. Mr. Thompson, the biology teacher, was mid-lecture when a man stumbled in, clutching his arm. Y/n recognized him as Mr. Jenkins, one of the janitors. The man's face was pale, and he looked disoriented.

"Help.... me...." Mr. Jenkins gasped before collapsing on the floor.

Panic erupted. Mr. Thompson rushed to the man's side, but as he turned Mr. Jenkins over, it became clear that something was terribly wrong. A bite mark, deep and vicious, marred the janitor's forearm. Blood seeped through his fingers as he writhed in pain.

Before anyone could react, Mr. Jenkins' eyes snapped open. They were vacant and lifeless. He lunged at Mr. Thompson, sinking his teeth into the teacher's neck. A large piece of flesh was slowly ripped from his throat, letting blood gush out like a geyser.

Screams of horror filled the room as the students watched as their teacher was torn into like a piece of food. Y/n's adrenaline kicked in as he saw the janitor stab his hands into the stomach of Mr. Tompson, guts and blood pouring out onto the floor, decorating the white tile with crimson. 

Some of the students fled in terror, while others remained stuck, paralyzed with fear. Y/n quickly grabbed his backpack and swung it at the now-ravenous Mr. Jenkins. The impact knocked the janitor back. A low growl escaped the pale janitors mouth as he slowly climbed to his feet and set his hollow eyes on Y/n.

"Stay back!" Y/n shouted.

Mr. Jenkins slowly stumbled forward and lunged at the young man. Y/n quickly reacted and shoved him back with all his strength. The janitor stumbles back before slamming his head against the large wooden desk with a sickening crunch.

The growls fell silent as a small puddle of blood began to form under the now-still body of the janitor. 

"We need to get out of here!" Y/n shouted, trying to spur his classmates into action.

The classroom was pandemonium. Some students snapped back to reality and quickly ran out of the room, while others stared at the bodies of two adults. Y/n quickly grabbed his bag and ran out of the room, leaving only to see hell take over.

As he entered the hallway, the scale of the disaster became clear. Walkers—formerly his classmates and teachers—were everywhere, attacking anyone they could catch. The air was filled with screams and the sickening sounds of flesh being torn and bones being broken.

"Lord, have mercy," Y/n said as he looked around with wide eyes. 

A high-pitched snarl from behind him catches his attention. Quickly turning, he is faced with a classmate who had run out earlier and now turned into a walker. She lunges at him, trying to take a bite out of his flesh, but Y/n reacts and swings his backpack at her.

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