chapter 1 the mysterious maid

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Hello everyone, this is the 3rd time I am making a story and I hope you like it .... :)

I recently hired a maid that is very mysterious and weird said by the main character "John"

Though she is very pretty I still think that there is something going on with her said by the main character "John"

Every night she goes to the kitchen and then disappear the next day she would wake up with a random scar, I always think about it

Oh maybe it's just your imagination said by main character's wife " caroll "

No it's just so strange but I think I choose not to think about it said by the main character "John"

Sir, I'm done with folding the clothes may I know what else would you like me to do? Said by the maid " lia "

Thank you lia, would you mind if you cook us something to eat for lunch lia? Said by the main character " john "

alright sir, may I know what would you two like to eat? Said by the maid

Me and John will have salad and orange juice it's for our diet said by the main character's wife " caroll "

Caroll, I have been eating the same thing for the pass 3 weeks I want something new lia I'd like a- said by the main character " John "

No John you can't have anything else it's for our diet don't you love me? Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

No but caroll I'm really craving for a pasta and a cheese burger said by the main character " John "

Come on John don't you love me? And we need to eat some salad for 2 months for our diet I don't want people to see you fat in our wedding said by the main character's wife "caroll"

Fine, lia we'll just have salad but put alot of mayonnaise in my salad , said by the main character " john"

ok sir, I'll be back in 10 minutes, said by the maid " lia "

John don't you think we should buy a new car?, Our tesla is getting old and I don't really want my friends to see me riding that
Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

Caroll getting a new car is very expensive and  even were rich we still need to save money said by the main character "John"

Come one John don't you love me?, Said by the main character's wife "caroll"

I'll think about it I'm just gonna drink water in the kitchen*heads in the kitchen* said by the main character "John"

I saw the maid making the salad in our kitchen and I don't know why I just couldn't stop staring at her beautiful face, it's like she is an angel said by the main character in his thoughts " John "

Sir is there something wrong?, Said by the maid " lia "

Oh uh nothing I'm just gonna get water said by the main character " John "

ok sir Said by the maid " lia "

As I was heading to the tap lia accidentally fell on me but I catched her Said by the main character " John" in his thoughts

Oh no I am so sorry sir I didn't mean to!Said by the maid " lia "

OH MY GOD , YOU STUPID DIRTY MAID, GET OF MY FIANCE YOU SLUT!!! Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

No caroll its ok it was an accident she didn't mean it Said by the main character " John"

I DON'T CARE IF YOU SAID SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

Caroll  slapped Lia causing her to have a big mark in her face

Ma'am I may have been a maid but I would never let that slide

Lia also slapped caroll

UGH HOW DARE YOU EVEN TOUCH ME YOU MAID, Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

caroll grabbed lia's hair and so Lia grabbed hers causing them to have a big fight hopefully John got between them and pushed caroll aside

Caroll stop grabbing lia's hair it was your fault the fight started I already told you it was an accident Said by the main character " John"

UGH WHY ARE YOU ON HER SIDE, I AM YOUR FIANCE Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

Caroll stormed off angrily

Lia are you alright ?Said by the main character " John"

Sir don't worry I am completely ok but caroll slapped me really hard Said by the maid " lia "
Oh well let me see itSaid by the main character " John"

John touched lia's face gently

That's pretty deep does it hurt you lia? Said by the main character " John"

No it's alright I'll just countinue making your salad Said by the maid " lia "

Time passes by

Caroll come on stop being jealous she's just a maid Said by the main character " John"

Why did you take her side? I am your fianceSaid by the main character's wife " caroll "

Well caroll its just complicated I tried to explain but you slapped her and called her names you know what, I'll take you on a date tonight if you forgive me Said by the main character " John"

Fine I'll forgive you but you will have to communicate less with that maid you understand? Said by the main character's wife " caroll "

Of course caroll Said by the main character " John"

John kisses caroll on the cheeks but he seem to realize that Lia is watching them strange

Time passes by they returned home from the date there time check 11:46

John taked caroll to her room and John saw lia heading to the kitchen again out of curiosity John decided to follow Lia

After he followed her Lia went to the locked chess and opened it, John saw that Lia got a key from that chess and after that Lia opened the exit door then she rides her motorbike, John didn't followed Lia and he just let it go

But he wonders, where is she going? What is she gonna do ? What Is her business?

Im gonna do chapter 2 later I'm just too lazy to do it😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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