these get less interesting as time goes on- new questions!

10 1 5

You know the drill, I been tagged!

1. First thing you think of when you read the word "squelch"?
Puking. Just throwing up in a toilet.

2. Favourite flower/plant?
Spider plant, I love them to bits and the way they make babies is just so adorable.

3. Writing/art inspiration?
Reading other's fanfics is what inspired me to write at first but I've kind of lost motivation for that and so recently all my inspiration for art and writing has been more surrounded around my feelings and myself and what I'm going through at the moment.

4. What's the weather like right now?
Cool not too cloudy night.

5. What's the weirdest thing someone has given you?
Well I guess it wasn't too weird cuz you know but it made me feel weird, condoms.

6. What's your most prized possession?
Probably Azëlle or Yumiko or Yuukori. Just my stuffies I love them so much.

7. Favourite writer? On or off Wattpad.
I'm not completely sure honestly, there are just so many people who've all written such great books I can't pick just one <3
(I'm lying, whoever wrote "A Stone Gargoyle's Heart" on Ao3 is my favourite writer, it's them!)

8. Who's your role model? If you have none, someone you look up to.
Probably, and I know y'all gon be like whattt? but Zedaph or xB for like generally. Otherwise I really wish I was as smart as Cub and Doc in redstone-

9. What's the song you've got stuck in your head right now?
It's two actually, Bandaids and Baby Teeth, both by the wonderful Baby Bugs.

10. What's the animal most people associate you with?
I don't know, you tell me-

Alright so this was nice, I hope y'all enjoyed the insight- I don't really have the smartness to tag anyone so if you read this and wanna be tagged, you been tagged!


I'm just curious about you guys :3

And I've been tagged by the lovely oreo_bean_twins_847 ! Much love to them, go check them out :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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