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The idea of FaceTiming Isagi had never really crossed your mind. Partially because you were used to always being with each other and talking face to face, and the fact that you wanted to avoid any real like interaction with any of his team.

After first meeting them, thought text, you all actually got on pretty well and quickly at that. Over, what? 2 weeks? You were pretty outgoing so it was a given that you you'd make friends with them easily.

Although, right now, awkward introductions - if any of the guys even bothered - didn't even matter to you. You were dying to talk to Isagi and catch up with each other and he was too. You guys talked about everything and were the first people to know about any news.

Hence, why being apart for only 2 weeks was really bugging you.


After Isagi asked to call, you and Raichi bickered about not wanting to see each other or hearing what each other sounded like, while Bachira already seemed excited about getting to talk to you.

You sat on your bed cross legged, anticipating the face time call, before your phone stared ringing. You saw a glimpse of Isagi's contact name and a selfie of you both as the background. Nervously, you bit your lip as your thumb hovered over the answer button, clicking it.

"Hey Y/n!" Isagi called out, as his face popped up on your screen with a big smile, wearing the same set of pajamas that some of the other guys wore in the pictures they sent.

"Yoichi! Hey!~" You dragged your words, relived to hear his voice again and see his familiar face.

"It's good to hear that voice of yours again." He laughed.

"I missed it. How are you?" He smiled, placing his phone across from him for a better view, while he sat on the ground messing with the laces of his football boots.

"I miss you too! Everything is so boring without you here. But I'm good, just miss playing football with you."

"Same, I'll be back soon though. And better than before. You might have to watch out." He smirked, looking back at you with a determined gaze.

"Yeah right." You sent him the same look back. Suddenly hearing a set of quick footsteps fade in from his side of the call, someone came running toward Isagi, instantly throwing them both to the ground. The last thing you saw being this persons yellow hair and the phone falling to ground faced down.

"Woah. Yoichi? You okay?" You giggled, having a hint of who it might have been. He seemed even more chaotic in real life.

"HEY Y/N-CHAN!" A familiar face appeared on the screen with a pretty smile and his voice full of excitement. The yellow hair becoming more apparent to you.

"Bachira? HEY!" You grinned back, before your expressions turned into a worried one as he began running away from Isagi with his phone in his hand.

"Hey! Give that back!" Yelling at Bachira, Isagi ran after him as you laughed along with the chaotic mess that they were.

"You guys are wild." You snickered.

"Hey Y/n. Nice to see ya." Naruhaya waved at you, fitting into what was left of the frame with Bachira having shoved his face in front of the camera.

"HEY GUYS." You waved back to Naruhaya and Imamura who was now in the back trying to say hello.

"So much energy..haha"

"She's even prettier in person."

"She's not even here idiot."

"You know what I mean dumbass. And her voice.."

HALF TIME . bluelock chatficWhere stories live. Discover now