Chapter 15 - "School Troubles Pt.1 "

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Message From Author:
I've been a little busy recently so sorry that I have not been able to write and publish a new chapter. I haven't had much time to write this week.

Anyways, why not write a chapter about Suisei's and Y/N's school life again.


Suisei had her debut yesterday.

Unfortunately we still have school.

Even Hololive members have to go to school.

Is it just Suisei? Probably. I havent gotten to know much about all the talents, I've only interacted with a few.

Now I'm thinking what if someone recognizes Suisei now at school?

She had her debut, thousands of people saw it. What if people from our school saw it?

Let's just hope nobody finds out until we graduate at least.

Okay the entire school is going to find out probably soon and Suisei is definitely going to become popular.

Anyways, I meet up with Suisei at a coffee shop nearby before school starts.

"Good morning Suisei." I said waving at her

"Good morning to you Y/N." Said Suisei hugging me

Today classes start two hours later than usual.

Not sure why but I guess it's nice since Suisei and I are able to hang for a bit.

Suisei and I found a seat for the both of us.

Suisei took out her school computer and was working on homework.

For once she does her homework, haha.

Most of the time she spends time playing games on her switch or phone.

Suisei asked for help on her assignment.

"Y/N, I was a little too focused on the debut stream and concert preparation that I forgot to work on my presentation." Said Suisei

"Oh, when is it due?" I asked

"TODAY Y/N!" Yelled Suisei

"Could you possibly ask for an extra week or something to work on it?" I said


She probably didn't ask lol.

"You could have asked me to help you do it you know."

"I know I'm sorry I will ask you for assistance on the next one."

Damn, Suisei completely forgot about school.

I guess she has been busy with training and setting up the debut. But is it really impossible to find time for school work?

"Why can't we work on it right now? What's the presentation about?" I asked

"It's about any topic you like." Said Suisei

Sigh "Suisei can we work on it now? Class doesn't start in like 2 hours."

"Alright, that's fine." She said

Guess we're not going to have much fun, we are just going to be working on school work.

"Alright, I need a topic." Said Suisei

"Pick anything." I said

I started listing some topics for her.

"Uhhh anime.. art.. sports.. dancing.. music.."

I instead picked it for her since she couldn't decide.

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