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The suitcase on Ranboo's bed was somehow overfilled and not nearly enough. The checklist he wrote kept getting longer and longer as he paced around the room. He wrung his hands, looking out at the cluttered chaos of clothes and shoes and notebooks and textbooks and-

They took a breath, closing their eyes. They were grateful for this, really. He just had to get past the havoc and panic of packing and onto the plane.

Which he also wasn't too excited for, but he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.

Modern L'Manburg, unlike in ancient times, was fairly mild in climate. It wasn't highly seasonal like Snowchester, but it wasn't all dry and arid like Las Nevadas. The constant temperature droned on throughout the year. Ranboo bounced on his heels for a moment before hanging his coats back in his closet.

Would they need formal wear? He was only supposed to be there for two months. At least depending what they found. How often would he be expected to actually talk to people?

Ranboo took a step back, crossed his arms, and decided he hated packing for trips for the seventeenth time that day.

"Ay! Ranboo!"

Ranboo jumped, spinning around right as Tommy barreled into the room. They clapped a hand over their chest. "Jesus, Tommy, you gave me a heart attack."

Tommy laughed, lightly punching Ranboo's arm as he passed and flipped onto the bed. He wrinkled his nose, tossing a folded shirt to the other side of the bed. "I think this mess gave you a heart attack. What the hell have you been doing?"

Ranboo gestured around them. "Getting ready? Have- what have you been doing? Are you ready to leave- the flight is in two days-"

"You're rambling," Tommy said. "And I've got my stuff already."

Ranboo frowned glancing around at the suitcase on his bed to the one that sat empty on his floor. They finally moved from where they'd been rooted to the ground, grabbing from the pile of clothes on their bed. He dropped them into the suitcase on the floor, bouncing on his heels again. They rubbed their eyes, yawning.

"Calm down, man. Take a second to actually breathe," Tommy said, patting beside him on the bed. "Damn, how long have you been awake?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo shrugged, rubbing his eyes again. He flopped down on the bed next to Tommy, muttering quietly. "About two days."

Tommy was silent for a minute. Ranboo laid still, their muscles finally catching up to their exhaustion. The soft blankets and pillows strewn around welcomed home to close his eyes. He stared up at the ceiling, counting the glow-in-the-dark stars he, Tommy, and Tubbo had badly taped up there the summer before.

"You having the dreams again?" Tommy asked quietly.

Ranboo sighed. "Yeah."

Tommy hummed, moving to fold his arms under his head. Ranboo shuffled over, avoiding a pile of folded pants and tossing aside clothing hangers. The stars above them reflected dim, sickly green light back at them.

"I've packed a backpack with three shirts and two trousers," Tommy said with a chuckle. "And a bandana."

Ranboo laughed. "Tommy, we're there for two months, you're gonna need more."


Ranboo laughed again, glancing over at Tommy to find him and his stupid grin staring back at them. They scoffed, grabbing a pillow and flinging it at him. Tommy scrambled back with a cackle, grabbing another pillow to hurl directly at Ranboo's head.

Ranboo ducked out of the way. He slid to the floor and crouched, grabbing and throwing another pillow. Tommy shrieked, just barely dodging out of the way. "You fucking-"

Wilbur Soot and The Curse of Death's Carved CrowWhere stories live. Discover now