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4 years later

During the last years Tokio Hotel had started getting big. They had a bunch of fans and they where always recognised when walking down the streets. In fact they where going to leave for a tour in a week. But the twins hadn't told Lea yet. They didn't wanna see the sad look on her face when she realised they wouldn't see eachother for months. But the twins had decided that they had to tell her.

Leas POV

I was on my computer working on a school project when i heard knocking on my door. "Come in!" I shouted for whoever was behind the door. Tom peaked his head in "it's dinner." He said then he closed the door and walked downstairs.

I worked a little bit more on my project before i decided to head downstairs. I was actually extremely hungry. When i sat down at the table everyone stared at me with sad expressions. "What?" I asked. I started to get nervous. They never acted like this, something must be really wrong. Tom and Bill looked at eachother. "You tell her!" Bill said whispering. "No you!" Tom whispered back. The twins thought that Lea couldn't hear them but they weren't quiet enough. I don't understand why they are so nervous, don't they know that they can tell me anything? I was starting to get worried now. "Tell me what?" I asked them with my mouth full of pasta. I was really confused, why is everyone acting so weird? "We are ehm... the band is going on a tour next week... were gonna be gone for three months." Bill blurted out.

I swallowed the pasta in my mouth and just stared at my plate. I didn't know what to say. In not gonna be able to meet my brothers for three months. That means that they will miss my birthday. Im turning thirteen in two weeks. That means i won't have a birthday party. Tom and Bill always made a birthday party for me at home.

I had no idea what i was supposed to do now so i just stood up, ran to my room and slammed the door behind me. I laid down in my bed staring at the celing and letting a few tears roll down my cheeks. I was probably over reacting but i didn't have anyone exept for them. What was i supposed to do all day long without them by my side.

I don't really have any friends exept for my brothers. No one wanted to be my friend, in school i was known as the weird girl, the freak, i didn't talk much and i had no friends. In other words, i was an antisocial weirdo. Even if someone wanted to be my friend, which i doubt, but if someone wanted to become my friend they still wouldn't try. No one wanted to befriend the weird girl, if your my friend your automaticaly bullied for the rest of your school going.

3rd persons POV

Tom and Bill looked at eachother. Their sister had just ran up to her room and slammed the door. They felt really bad since they knew she had no friends exept for them. When they where gone she was going to have no one. No one would be there for her when she was bullied at school. She was probably going to get bullied even worse since they wouldn't be there to stop them.

They decided to go up to her room and talk to her. They walked up the stairs slowly, the twins hated this situation. Hurting their sister is the only thing they really didn't want to do.

Tom softly knocked on the door in a special rythm the siblings hade made when the twins were ten years old so that they knew that one of the siblings was at the door. "Come in." The twins heard Lea say. Bill opened the door slowly, not being ready to see her sad expresion just yet. When the twins finally walked into her room they just looked at her sad expression. She was clearly crying. Lea was staring at the cealing, she wouldn't look at her brothers because she knew that if she did she was going to cry even more, if that was even possible. They sat down on each side of the bed and gave her a hug. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Lea asked, looking up at her brothers with tears in her eyes. "We thought it was a better idea to wait, we didn't wan't to see you sad." Tom said while taking his thumb and wiping away a tear that had managed to fall. Suddenly Lea couldn't hold her tears in and they started streaming down her cheeks. "Your going to miss my birthday." Lea said while even more tears ran down her cheeks.

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