Chapter Nine

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Papa sat down the soup in front of his Cara Mia, who smiled up at him.

She was in Papa's hoodie and a pair of Papa's sweatpants. The outfit he had brought here to change into after church ended to go home in, but he had put Embry's clothes in the wash and she needed something on... Although if Papa could have it his way, she would never wear anything.

Papa sat down next to his love and just looked at her, examined her. She looked so beautiful in his clothes. They fit her pretty good, a little baggy and long on her though, which just made him gush over her.

She began to eat the soup as Papa just played with her hair, eyeing her up and down.

"I hope I didn't hurt you too much, Cara Mia." He spoke up, watching for her reaction.

"Of course not Papa. Although the beginning hurt a lot. But it soon left." She reassured, paused eating and looked over at him, who simply gave her such a loving look.

"That heating pad will help with soothing the cramping you'll feel." She turned her attention to the soft heating pad on her lower stomach.

"Thank you, Papa." He nodded at her and placed a kiss on her forehead as he got up.

"I'll be back Amore. Just sit here and hang tight, yeah?" He started to walk towards the door, looking back at her.

Embry nodded and he walked out, closing the door behind him.

Papa had walked out the door and down the Hallway he found Swiss, Rain and Cirice.

"Is she okay? I heard her scream Yellow!" Cirice was like a worried mom.

"Yes, she saw through it." They looked at him a little angry like, he gasped realizing they didn't understand him. "I asked her and she still wanted to go! I didn't force her."

Their faces relaxed and they sighed in relief. "Good, cause she's already underaged, don't need you to force this upon her." Swiss scoffed.

Papa nodded, and he continued to walk down the hall passed his friends.

"What is she doing now?" Rain asked, the three following Papa.

"Cara Mia is eating soup and wearing my clothes." He replied so calmly, still on his mission.

The Angels continued to walk with Papa, followed him to a room, in which he shut and locked the door.

Swiss stood there with Rain and Cirice.

"You wanna go check up on her?..." Cirice suggested and they all agreed and they headed to the backstage room.

When they got there Embry was doing just what Papa had said, Cirice smiled at the girl, "Hey! We came to check up on you!"

Embry blushed and waved, smiling back, "I'm okay thank you."

Cirice had almost sat on the couch, but decided against it and sat on the coffee table in front of Embry instead, Swiss and Rain behind Cirice.

"Did you at least enjoy it? It hurt at first didn't it?" Swiss smacked Cirice on her shoulder, his wide eyes asking her what the fuck was she saying. "What! I'm just worried about my poor girl!"

She turned her attention back to Embry, and Embry realized how much of a mother figure Cirice was becoming.

"It did, but he promised me it would be feel better, and he was right. Yes I did enjoy it." Embry tried not to look at Swiss or Rain, who's faces turned a little red, hearing the girl talk about her experience with Papa.

"I heard you scream Yellow, I told you he could get carried away." Cirice put a few strands of Embry's hair behind her ear, looking at the girl with sympathy.

"It was when he first..." She trailed off, hoping they got the message, Cirice mouthed and oh.

"I know my first time with Papa was scary." Rain spoke up and Cirice and Swiss looked at Rain with wide eyes and panicked, shaking their heads.

Embry simply smiled, she didn't see anything wrong with being gay, or anything along the lines of LGBTQ+.

She, herself was attracted to women.

"I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this thing with Papa." The three looked at Embry with a bit of surprise.

"Ahh." Cirice gushed, running her thumb across Embry's chin, "Such a pure girl."

"Have you done that with Papa?" Embry looked up into Cirice eyes then looked at Swiss who stood there a little awkward.

"Yes, all of us Angels have..." Cirice had to think, "Laying with a Holy man like Papa made us feel closer to God. Of course he's our good friend too, so we didn't mind."

Swiss scoffed at her such bullshit, but he nodded. "You have nothing to be worried about, little one. Even when Papa is rough, he is still making sure the person he is with is as comfortable as possible." Swiss reassured, patting the girl on her head.

"You're special you know." Cirice added, grabbing everyone's attention. "He called you Cara Mia. Even though we have all layed with Papa, now he will see you as his top priority."

"Yeah, he will no longer lay with us because he loves you and only wants you." Rain continued, smiling at the girl.

He loves her? Embry thought, her mind racing. Yeah she loves Papa, but, "Isn't that a little soon?" She asked out loud.

The three were taken back, "Well... Yes, but," Cirice paused, she was always a sucker for love films. "You've heard of love at first sight. That's what happened. When Papa first saw you sitting there he thought you were absolutely gorgeous. He wanted to get to know you, and after he did that day after you picked flowers, he fell harder. And I can tell by the way you look at him in those pews while he's on stage, that you love him too."

"Look, Princess. Don't worry about timing, you and Papa love each other, y'all fucked, the deal is sealed." Swiss said that nonchalantly.

Cirice smacked Swiss, and Sage just looked at him with wide eyes and shock.

"Uhm... What Swiss was trying to say was, if you and Papa love each other, you shouldn't worry about how soon it is. Getting married though..." He trailed off, "That's a different story. Wait a few years." His eyes widened like he had past experiences.

His past experiences was seeing how in love Papa was with his ex wife and he Married her too soon and she turned out to be a horrible woman... Doing... Terrible, unspeakable things...

Swiss and Cirice, nodded. "Love each other soon, but don't rush the relationship." Cirice summarized.

Sage nodded, understanding a little better now.

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