Chapter 1: The Don

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The night was dark as the moon hid behind the thick clouds in the skies. In a dimly lit alley, a scene unfolded that showed the notorious and most feared Mafia Don in Asia,

 Jeon Jungkook. 

He stood tall, his intense gaze sending shivers down the spines of those who dared to meet his eyes. They said he was ruthless, a real tough nut, someone you wouldn't want to mess with.

Rumors of his name spread like wildfire among the criminal underworld at the start of his career, as they described him as a man without an ounce of mercy, a complete monster. The stories told of his iron-fisted control and his willingness to get his hands dirty with blood for the sake of his empire. He was a force to be reckoned with, a lunatic who knew no limits in his pursuit of power and desire to rule.

Amidst the darkness, a figure knelt before the Don, their trembling form a striking contrast to his unwavering demeanor. The enemy's pitiful sobs filled the air, their voice choked with desperation. They begged, their voice quivering, "Please, Don spare my life! I'll do anything you ask, I swear!"

Unfortunately, his pathetic plea was only met with cold, bone-chilling laughter from Jungkook who was amazed by the man's desperation. He soon raised his gun, pointing it directly at the enemy's forehead, the glint of metal emphasizing the danger that hangs in the air.

"Tsk," Jungkook sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "Spying on my territory and you think I'd spare your life? You walked willingly into the monster's den the moment you decided to meddle with my empire. So now, face the consequences."

Hearing that, the man only cried out more, knowing to himself that there's no escape from this hellhole he step on.

And with that, a loud bang was heard in the dark alleyway with the man falling to the ground with blood spilling on his head. 

ungkook's sinister smile widened as he gazed upon the lifeless body sprawled before him, a twisted satisfaction settling in his eyes.

"Mark, dispose of this trash and deliver it to the Kangs," Jungkook commanded, his voice laced with authority, leaving no room for question. His henchman, Mark, initially puzzled by the Don's request,  but soon understand what the Don means.

Mark nodded silently, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Don," he replied as he bows respectfully to the Don before turning out to carry his master's order. 

Unknown to many, the man Jungkook had just eliminated was a spy hired by the Kangs, the notorious enemies of the Jeon family. The Kangs had long been a thorn in the side of the Jeons, their bitter rivalry first started during the time when Jungkook's was still the ruler of the underworld along with his friend Kang Minho. However, their friendship was then ruined by Min-ho's betrayal which led the two to separate their paths. 

In the present, Jungkook's father had long retired from his position as the Don of the mafia underworld, a mantle now carried by Jungkook himself. Yet, the flames of hatred between the Kangs and the Jeons still remains. 

Jungkook then soon leaves the scene and rode his black Lamborghini Aventador and later on arrives at his Mansion where his father, Jeon Seungho awaits him.

"Jungkook, my son!" Seungho greeted with joy as his eyes locked onto his son's figure entering the grand doors of the Mansion. "How did it go with the spy?" he inquired.

"He's already taken care of,"

Seungho nodded approvingly, the corners of his lips curling into a smile. "Good. Now, let's focus on more pressing matters. Your brother, Taehyung, has returned from his mission in Japan, and he brings with him some interesting news," he stated, his eyes glinting with a calculating gaze.

Jungkook's expression remained unchanged. "I see. Lead the way to my office. We shall discuss it there," he simply said to his father. 


As they stepped into Jungkook's office, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. And right on cue, Taehyung made his entrance. 

"Jungkook, I have some interesting news for you" Taehyung announce with a smirk on his face.

 "What is it?"

"Minho has a daughter," he stated matter-of-factly, enjoying the shock that swept across their father's face, though Jungkook remained stoic and his unbreakable composure.

Seungho's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "How in the world did we miss such information?!"

Taehyung's lips curled into a self-assured smile. "It appears Minho has kept his daughter hidden away from our rivalry and in the criminal underworld. Right now, she's leading a decent life as a college student in Japan. Heck, I bet she doesn't even know her father's true colors"

Taehyung then handed Jungkook a meticulously compiled file, containing all the important details about Minho's daughter.

Jungkook's eyes flickered with a glimmer of intrigue as he read the contents of the file, his lips curling into a subtle, knowing smile. "Hmm... Kang Mia," he murmured, the name rolling off his tongue with a magnetic allure.

"Well looks like I got a new mission huh?" He said to himself as he continued to stare at the photo of Mia. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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