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Note this is a little filler about my head canons and all. You will be able to choose between being Pansexual or bisexual. Also this for Pride Month!!!

Here's a list of there sexualities BTW

Blue: Coming Out As Bisexual
Orange: Gay
Purple: Gay Demiboy
Red:Straight Ally
Yellow: Straight Ally
Cyan:Straight Ally

(Y/Ns POV)

I decided to go see what Green was up to since he was my second best friend besides Purple. I walked into the theater where I usually find him only to see him and Blue....CUDDLING?! I couldn't believe my (eye/eyes). Blue realized I was in the room and pushed Green off of him. "Ow what was that for Blue?" Green asks confused. "Hey Y/N....you didn't see anything right?" Blue asks nervously as a bit of pink appears on his face. I just make a face that says 'Oh I saw everything.' and Blue just gulped. "Now how about you explain what I just walked in on?" I say walking over to the two Rainbow Lovebirds."Well me and Green are umm dating...." Blue says a bit uncomfortable."There's nothing wrong with being gay." I say putting my hand on Blue's shoulder. "That's what I tried to tell him." Green says finally sitting up. "It's just I don't know about this, I only started having these feelings for Green and...." i slapped Blue with my (hand/paw). "I SAID THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY!!" I say more sternly as a very confused yet scared Blue stares at me. "Understand?" I ask him only to get a nod in response since he was still to terrified to speak. "Also I apologize for slapping you Blue." I say calmly as I realize what I had done. "I just take this seriously since I'm (pan/bi). "What does that mean?" Blue asks confused. It means I'm attracted to (both or all) genders." I say smiling at my Blue friend. Green kinda chuckles. "Im Pansexual." He says rubbing the back of his head. "And that's perfectly fine Green." I say looking over at my Googly Eyed friend. "Now Blue are you attracted to just guys or both or even any gender?" I ask looking at Blue again. "Well I have liked some girls when I was human.." Blue says as he remembers his past life before he became the Blue softie he is now. Suddenly I heard Orange running into the room and heard Purple trying to get out of a nearby vent. "We talking about sexualitys? Orange asks excitedly. "Yes we are." I say looking at my prehistoric friend. "Oh then I'd like to say I'm gay." Orange says happily as he claps his little hands. I looked to Purple who had finally made it out of the vent. "I'm a gay demiboy." Purple says with a sigh. "YOUR A DEMIBOY AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" I say jumping up and grabbing Purple's face. "Yeah I thought you already knew?" Purple says as he pulls my hands away from his face. "What's a Demiboy?" Blue asks confused. "Its basically when a boy goes by he/they pronouns, same goes for a demigirl except the pronouns are she/they." Purple explains to Blue. "That's why orange says they sometimes when refering to you." Blue says finally understanding things he never understood before. Red suddenly walks in and all eyes (except green's duh) land on him. "What?" Red asks confused. "Red what sexuality are you?" I ask curious. "Oh I'm a Straight Ally." He says giving me one of those eye smiles causing me to blush slightly. "I may only be attracted to females but that doesn't mean I won't support the gays." Red says walking over to the group. Suddenly Yellow crashes through the ceiling causing everyone to jump and scream. "YELLOW WHAT THE HECK!!!?" Red yells looking at the hole in the ceiling. "Sorry I just thought I'd stop by and see everyone..." Yellow days s bit shyly. "So what are we talking about?" Yellow asks a bit more cheerful. "Sexualities." I say smiling at my friend as I sit next to Red. "OH WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SEXUALITIES!!!!?" Cyan says crashing through a nearby wall causing there to be a Cyan shaped hole in the wall. "WILL EVERYONE STOP BREAKING THE WALLS AND CEILINGS!!!" Red screams annoyed. 'He's cute when hes annoyed not going to lie.' I thought to myself letting out a small chuckle causing Red to look over at me confused. "So Yellow and Cyan what are your sexualities?" I ask curiously. "We're both Straight Allies." Cyan says smiling as she sits down next to where yellow landed. We all talked about how it was Pride Month and how we should all go and celebrate despite our appearances. Man was it fun tbh the people just thought we were wearing really good costumes and since we are the Rainbow Friend's, we didn't have to dress up to celebrate, even though we did anyway.


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