Chapter 1

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"Alayna, sweetheart, there is someone at the door waiting for you," my father called from outside my bedroom.

"I'll be there in a minute, Papa!" I called, tying my auburn hair into a quick bun, that probably was messier than it should have been. I practically ran down the stairs, only to realize that I probably was going to trip on my brand new green dress if I ran to the drawing room. It had happened before, I wouldn't have been surprised if it would happen again.

I smoothed my dress and tried to compose myself as I opened the large double doors to the drawing room.

"Miss Alayna, it is nice to see you again. How have you been?" George Whitmore took my hand and led me to a chair.

George Whitmore was a man of wealth. He had midnight dark hair, with ocean blue eyes. He had a muscular build, but was not too large. Girls swooned over him wherever he went, claiming their love for him. My young friend, Yvette, drooled over him constantly. One day she even told him that she loved him, and that she'd be okay with him requesting her hand in marriage. Needless to say, she came to me in tears that day. 

"Mr. Whitmore, it is nice to see you, too. I've been well, how about you?" I replied, sitting down. My father and Mr. Whitmore sat down after I sat down, and looked at me curiously.

"Is there anything that you would like, Mr. Whitmore? Not to sound prudent, but do you have a reason to visit, or are you just coming for a casual visit?" I asked him.

"I actually came for business with you father, but I didn't want to leave without visiting with you as well."

"That is nice. Have you visited Danielle in Vannes recently?" I asked him. Danielle was my oldest sister, and she often talked about Mr. Whitmore. She claimed to be in love with him years earlier, but went to Vannes to accompany a good friend of hers.

"Actually, I have not seen her for at least a year. She went to Venice with her friend Victoire while I was last in Vannes, so I missed their company. Although when I go next month, I will be sure to visit them."

"Really? When did you last go to Vannes? She went to Venice with Victoire at least 6 months ago. Don't you usually go to Vannes every month?" I inquired.

"Alas, I did not get to go the last couple months, because I was detained on business in Paris," he replied to me.

"Oh, I see. Is that why you haven't visited in so long?" I asked him.

"Yes, I must say it is. I should have written, naturally, but I did not think you would miss my company," he expressed.

"Well, I must say, you did not think correctly. Even the servants missed you. The whole manor inquired after you almost every week."

"Well that is a shame. If I had known, I would have written."

I smirked at him. I was flattering him, of course. No one in the house cared whether he was dead or alive, except father.  Papa needed Mr. Whitmore for his accountant, or else all of the money in the company would be spent.

"We should tell her now, George," Papa said, finally entering the conversation.

"Tell me what?" my eyes grew wide as I stared at my father. My dad never asked for permition to tell me anything, even with my mother.

"Well... I was in Paris for business, like I said. It was for your father. You see..." he seemed like he didn't want to finish that sentence.

"I spent too much. I spent almost all of the village's money after your mother died. We either have to tax the people harder, and not spend any money for a full year, or I can step down, and a new lord can take my place," Papa explained.

I just gaped at him. He didn't seem like he had spent that much at the time. Now I find out that all of the village's money was spent by us.

"Wait, why were you in Paris, Mr. Whitmore? If we were bankrupt, then why did you go all the way to Paris?" I asked him, my voice shaking.

"Honestly, I was in Paris on other business, as well. I bought an estate for another family I work for. I met a man who said he could help your village, and he was perfect. The only problem is that he wants to be the lord, and replace your father. Honestly, at this point, he's the best hope this village has."

I couldn't do anything but stare at them.

"Where are we going to go?"

"Just the village... We're going to live there for a while... I'll be able to get a job with Mr. Whitmore. It won't be a ton of money, but it will suffice," my father told me.

"Why, Papa? Why?" I stormed out of the room.

"Alayna, come back here!" I heard my dad shout from across the house.

The house that I would soon be banished from.

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