leaving and hunting

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The next morning, Yuriko was the first to wake up. Opening her eyes to see herself curled in between a leopard and giant snake, and slowly got up, not waking them up

'Today we leave, i wonder how many days it will be until we arrive?'

She put all of their packed necessities in one place and then went outside to do her business

As she got back, the cuties were already awake and ready to go, not questioning where she went.

They had something to eat and then put their bags together, Harvey carrying some and Curtis carrying Yuriko

And just like that, half a day went away with them going towards the city.

"Can we take a break?" Yuriko asked them, thiugh she couldn't get an actual response since they were currently in their beast forms. But they stopped, answering her question by that.

As Yuriko got down from curtis, she looked at the plains and then at the forest that was on the other side of her

'Aha! There' Yuriko smirked as she rummaged through her weapons bag and took out a sniper

"Is that a beast man?" Yuriko asked Harvey, in which he had to look to see where she was pointing, seeing the deer so far away from them


"Good,"  and by that, Yuriko positioned the sniper and took a stance. Once she had a clear view of the deer, she just waited for the perfect moment

"What are you doing-" Harvey's words were cut off as a small sound was heard, then the deer dropped dead, Harvey looked at Yuriko with admiration, while Curtis looked proud

'Silencer baby~' Yuriko thought with a grin as she stared at her sniper,'my mama really thought of everything'

"Do you two see any other animals here?" Yuriko asked them as she looked around with her scope

"Why? Is that deer not enough for you?" Harvey asked curiously

"I want you two to eat as well," Yuriko told them with a smile as she found another deer and shot it, but she didn't notice the smiles of adoration sent her way

And just like that, they all had eaten their fill and were on the road again


They have arrived at the city of beasts after a few days, days which were filled with happiness

"So which one should we pick?" Yuriko asked her two mates as she looked at all the available Houses they had here. Well, she called them houses, but they're more like huts

"We can choose the one you want most," Curtis said with a smile as harvey nodded

Yuriko looked around and saw one that had enough space outside to even build another house near, and it was big enough, too

"That one," she pointed to it as Curtis only nodded and went to pay for it, rich husband, but Yuriko wasn't complaining at all

And like that, after the house was paid for, they went inside to clean it up, after it was nicely cleaned (aka no dust in sight) they placed their things there, the boys leaving Yuriko do what she wanted as they set up the place to cook


"Listen up, you two, we need to make this hut a master piece" Yuriko told they as they were all sitting down, eating food cooked by Yuriko

"Sure!" Harvey said with a smile as his tail wagged, making Yuriko internally scream,'Im touching that tail at some point these days'

Curtis only nodded as he finished his meal and sat with his head in Yuriko's lap, hugging her waist

As they were done, Yuriko had taken a break and then went with them in the city to explore

'Wow, man, not gonna lie. They have some cool things here.' Yuriko looked around, holding both Curtis' and Harvey's hands

The females that were present outside were surrounded by males, and some of them even gave her a glare, but she didn't mint it at all. Why would she? She was not one to judge people. The only one she hated was Bai. She was not going to call her bqq anymore since it would be annoying

As night came, they went back to their house

"Today was fun!" Yuriko said as they entered she quickly sat down on their makeshift bed, which Yuriko used wool (which Curtis got out of nowhere,  but she wasn't complaining) and some animal hides to keep it together, then sewing it shut. She even made some pillows

As you can see, she was very productive when it came to things she needed

"Im glad you liked it," Curtis said as he sat down near her, harvey doing the same but sitting on the opposite side

Yuriko grinned as she laughed a bit happy. Then she smirked, looking at them both

'Which one would be the easiest target?' She looked at them and then made the decision. Harvey.

Without even a drop of warning, she jumped on him, startling both him and Curtis

"Yuriko? Whats wrong-" Harvey asked her but stopped when he saw the look in her eyes

'Tonight, they both are mine~.' Yuriko looked so appealing in only the fire's light, the room being dark.


Lovely (a Beauty and the Beasts fanfiction) ❗️ Reworking On It/discontinued ❗️Where stories live. Discover now