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I took a deep breath before pulling out his contact and pressing the call button after a silent prayer.

Why did I even call him, he's supposed to sleep.

"What's wrong, αγάπη?" he asked when I just was about to end the call because I didn't know what I was thinking about me calling him in the middle of the night.


I love it when he talks Greek or Italian. The way the words just roll off his tongue.

"You're supposed to sleep, Atlas. It's like 1 AM in the morning," I exclaimed quietly with a sigh in the end. "And I'm sorry for bothering and calling you."

I heard some moving in the background before he spoke," Stop it, Ruby, you did nothing wrong. I've been waiting for you to call me. I do that every night."


"You told me that it's hard for you to fall asleep, so I'm awake just in case you need anything," he said softly and I smiled. He's the cutest when he's nice.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. Never thought I would date my 'enemy', because of much I used to hate him. I hated him with every fiber in my body, but now...

"Really," he reassured me. I was still grinning like a idiot but then I yawned.

"It was nice to hear your voice, Atlas. I think I'm going to sleep better now," I said and rubbed my eyes. "Goodnight, mon cœur."

[my sweetheart (I think) ]

"No hold up, come back," he pleaded and I smiled so big that my cheeks hurt. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Be ready with snacks."


Word count: 299

I don't have anything to say than 2 hands on your device. I'll find your ass, cut your body parts, cook it, and sell it on the black market for 10 bucks 🤭😘

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