Chapter 9

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Kaoru may feel confident in her friendship with Miyuki, but that did not mean he wasn't still a bastard Tanuki.

It actually seemed like he may have gotten worse. Miyuki was everywhere Kaoru was, at school, taking papers to the faculty office, boom! Miyuki was there to share the load.

He was at every tutoring session, waiting to walk her to her dorm. She couldn't get away from him. All of her friends called her lucky, "he clearly likes you so much!" they would say.

Kaoru wanted to scream at them, how were they not seeing that this was all a teasing ploy? Every time she blushed, his tanuki smirk grew.

Every time she would try to ignore him to focus on something else, he would be there, so close physically Kaoru would lose her train of thought and stutter through a sentence with a glare aimed at Miyuki.

For Miyuki, this was all part of the fun of liking someone. Sure, he didn't want to actually embarrass or make her mad, but a part of him loved seeing her face scrunch up in annoyance at his presence.

He felt a wave of satisfaction when he was the cause of the blush on her face. He loved when he was on the receiving end of her glare, her cheeks still red with embarrassment.

This teasing phase of their friendship was fun for her, he knew it. For all her sharp looks and complaints to Kuramochi and Chiyo, Kaoru didn't back away from his close proximity.

She didn't hide from him when walking in the halls or tell him to get lost. No, Kaoru was enjoying this just as much as he was, her playful shoulder bumps and harsh banter was all the reassurance Miyuki needed that his feelings were reciprocated.

But today, he may have pushed it just a bit too far. Kaoru was focused on writing a training regimen for Haruichi's hitting. He showed so much promise for more power at the plate if he just worked on a few things.

Kaoru had been in deep thought, scribbling exercises and drills down in her notebook for a few hours now. She was spending this time away from the noise of people by hiding away in the athletic classroom.

The same room she tutored the baseball players in weekly. Kaoru was jotting down her thoughts, excitement flooding her veins as she thought of the outcomes. 'He'll be really dangerous at the plate after this,' she thought.

Headphones in and lost in thought, Kaoru didn't notice a certain tanuki approaching behind her, a devilish grin on his face. Miyuki pressed an ice cold coffee can to the back of her neck, causing Kaoru to jump to her feet in surprise.

The shock of the cold can on her warm skin caused Kaoru to knock her thighs into the table as she jumped to her feet. A screech erupted from her lips as she watched in horror as her own coffee wobbled on the table before spilling.

The dark liquid spilled all over her meticulous notes. Cursing quietly, Kaoru quickly tried to separate her notebook from the growing puddle of coffee. A sinking feeling filled her stomach as she looked at the smudged writing.

She heard the shifting of feet behind her as Miyuki returned with several napkins. It appeared to Kaoru as though he wasn't entirely useless since he did go get tissues for the mess he created.

"Kazuya!" Kaoru growled, "my notes are ruined thanks to you!" For once, Miyuki actually looked sheepish, a guilty look on his face that at any other time would have made Kaoru squeal with delight.

Miyuki diligently began cleaning the mess, apologies falling from his lips. He could feel the rage emanating from Kaoru. Unsure of how to respond to her grievance, he tried his best to salvage some of her notes.

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