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~Tadashi's POV~

I really wish Tooru would stop waking me up so early. I mean, he's on the volleyball team. Fine, I get it, great. But does he really need to get up at 6:30 in the morning, every school day? The sun isn't even up yet! I groaned, rolling out of bed.

"Morning, Tai"

I look over to see my brother, putting on his school uniform. Sometimes, I forget that we look exactly the same. Well, he's slightly taller than me, but that's not the point. He looked over at me when I didn't respond. I was still trying to wake up. He poked me "Ototo, are you awake?" he asked. No, in fact, I was not. But, to get him to stop, I had to make some type of response "Yes, Onii, I'm awake" I said in slight annoyance. You might be asking, why are you getting up so early if you don't like it? Why don't you just go to school later? Yeahh, here's the thing. I've never really gone anywhere without Tooru. Now you're probably like, do you really like your brother that much that you go everywhere with him? Not really. I may or may not just have a little bit of social anxiety. And Tooru makes me feel safer. I know, it sounds weird, and really stupid of a high school kid. But I can't help it! People make me nervous, and Tooru...well, is the exact opposite of me when it comes to talking to people. He makes it seem so easy, like he just goes up to people and just starts talking to them. But no. I can't do it. 

Anyways, the two of us got ready, as usual, and walked to school. We both go to Aoba Johsai. I guess if you know my brother goes there, you can probably assume that I go there too. Anyways, we got to the gym for his morning practice. No one was there yet "Hey, wanna do a quick game before the team shows up?" Tooru asked. I thought for a moment. I was still insanely tired, but I do really enjoy playing volleyball with just the two of us. I smiled a little "Alright, then" I said as we put our bags on the bleachers. Even though I'm not on the team, I do enjoy volleyball. Both of us learned together, and we both enjoy it. I guess I'm a little afraid of joining the team because I don't want to mess anything up. It's a dumb reason not to join, I know. But, then again, my social anxiety has something to do with that as well. 

We played around for a little while, hitting the ball back and forth, when Tooru asked me the same question he asks me all the time "So, Tai, have you thought about joining the team?" he asked "I told you, Tooru, I'm not joining the team. I just can't do it. What if I mess something up?" I said. I never told him why I wasn't joining the team. The main reason is that I don't want to embarrass him in front of his team. I would never be able to forgive myself if I did.

"Come on, Ototo, you'd be great for the team. You play amazingly well when it's just the two of us. Imagine how great you'll be on the team?" he said, putting his volleyball back in his bag as Iwazumi came in. I felt my heart beat a little faster seeing him. Do I like him, okay maybe. But it's not like he would like me. "Hey, are you listening?" Tooru asked, waving his hand in front of my face "Oh, yeah, I am. No, I already told you, I can't join" I said, gathering my things "Come onnnn, it'll be fun" Tooru whined. Why does he always do this to me. I sigh "Alright, I'll think about it, okay?" I said, to which he hugged me and said I was the best brother ever.

I could already tell that I was going to regret my life decisions.

~(A/N: FINALLY I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER TvT I planned on finishing this like a week ago, and then got busy and crap. Anygays, byeeee <3)~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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