Clash Of Tempers

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"That is a stupid question" I sputtered. Her simple beauty had caught me off guard. and judging from her look, she knew it.

"Very dramatic too, dearie,"Nancy piped in. Freya's eyes zeroed in on me, giving me the once-over. Pathetic, I thought. Giving the once over to a Guardian. I froze. where did THAT come from??

"Back off," I sneered. I rose from the bed with a natural grace that drew the eye. Nancy and Jones stared in awe while Freya seemed to be hiding barely concealed boredom. yet I think I saw a flicker of interest in her, which delighted me. she WAS pretty hot. I began to swagger out the room."Thanks for everything, but I think Ill leave this hellhole now."

"Hey!"Freya punched me. " this is NOT a hellhole, horse-face!" the atmosphere noticably chilled as everyone froze, and i slowly turned to Freya.

"Horse-face,eh?" I tilted my head arrogantly. "thats nothing, coming from a girl whose chest is so flat it might as well be the ground." Freya reddened, and she opened her mouth to spew more nonsense when she was interrupted by a loud voice proclaiming,"Oh how WONDERFUL, now i can have another person working for moi!!" A large man with thin, auburn hair that was preposterously long grinned at me from under his flabs of..fat. "MMmm!" he groaned. i instantly tried to get that out of my head, wincing in agony."i am Porcoloine de saint Coquielle!You simply HAVE to live with me, my boy!" everyone stared at me, then they all started to laugh. and freya grinned at me with evil delight that i would soon know all too well.....

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