Feeling Better? I think so.

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Sigma stirs awake when he hears people talking in the other room. He looks around and he realizes Dazai isn't right next to him. He can't say that he's shocked, but he's slightly disappointed. He stands up and finally registers the people talking in the other room. He walks out of the bedroom to see Dazai standing there with another man. The man seems to be lecturing him.

"I had a feeling that you wouldn't have bought any food to eat. Here take this. You really should remember to eat hm?" The man hands Dazai a bag of food, he crosses his arms and sighs. The man notices Sigma and walks towards him. He holds his hand out and Sigma shakes his hand.

"Kunikida Doppo, you must be Sigma correct?" Sigma nods. Kunikida pulls back and begins to walk out, he turns around and points at him.

"Make sure Dazai eats please. It was a pleasure to meet you." He then walks out of the room. Sigma nods and looks at Dazai. He waves the bag while smiling.

"Yayyyy Kunikida-kun brought me food!" He puts the bag down on the table and they both sit down. Sigma hopes that this meal will go better than yesterday... he hopes he doesn't say the wrong thing. They sit there in silence for a bit before Sigma decides to speak up.

"Are you feeling any better?" Sigma looks at Dazai, searching for any sort of facial response. Dazai sits there in silence, not really responding before furrowing his brow.

"I suppose so... whatever that means." Sigma hums in response, deciding not to push further. They both eat in silence for a while before Dazai speaks up.

"Are you ready for your first day?" Sigma blinks confused for a second before remembering. He had totally forgotten about joining the ADA, Dazai seemed to be preoccupying his mind quite often. He smiles nervously.

"Ah, yes. I guess I am?" Dazai laughs and leans back on his hands.

"It isn't that hard I promise. I'll try to see if I could be with you at all times during it if that makes you feel better." Sigma's eyes widen slightly after hearing this. He never thought Dazai would say such... oddly affectionate words. Sigma nods and smiles.

"I'll believe you for now. You better not be lying." Dazai sits there, he sits up straighter, trying to regain his composure. He clears his throat.

"Hah why would I~ lie?" Dazai has a smug look on his face and Sigma stares at him dumbfounded. Dazai sees his expression and immediately gasped dramatically.

"Ohhhh Sigma!! Do you not believe meeeee?" Dazai dramatically collapsed onto the table looking up at Sigma. He could only describe his face as a pouting dog. He laughed slightly before looking down at Dazai.

"I feel like you have every reason to lie Dazai." Dazai puts the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically.

"Ohhh Sigma, how you wound me." Sigma couldn't take Dazai seriously, he laughed slightly.

"Oh, you are ridiculous." They both laugh and Sigma stands up and walks to Dazai and holds his hand out for him to grab. Dazai sits up and grabs his hand. Sigma pulls him up.

"Oh my~ you are such a romantic Sigma!" Sigma stares at him baffled, letting go of his hand.

"I'm sorry what." Dazai laughs so hard that he begins to hold his stomach. Sigma can't help but crack a smile. Dazai's laugh is quite contagious.

"Oh! Sigma you should have seen your face. It's so fun to tease people like you." Sigma smiles softly before clearing his throat.

"Shouldn't we be heading to the Agency? I don't want to be late on my first day-" Dazai regains his composure and winks at him.

"Correct! Let's go then!" Dazai walks to the front door and opens it, letting Sigma go first. He waits for Dazai to follow after him and Dazai smiles and follows close behind him. He wasn't sure why he was leading the way when he doesn't where the agency was, but he trusted that Dazai would lead him to where he needed to be.

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