Lost in A Sea of Black

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Hair as golden as the Sun, eyes shining bright orange, almost like two little suns inside a head.

These were the first two features that pop out when you gazed upon this young man of about 17 summers old.

"Ah good, we're almost home." Beckoned a soldier behind him

"Aye, was being to think we'd never get to properly rest." Another said

The boy kept looking on at the castle walls he saw before him, just a simple walk across the bridge in front of them and they'd be home again.

"Chin up lad, we're home." An older man with light brownish-blonde hair and connecting shaven beard said

"Aye, Lord Murdoch, that we are, I'm just a bit nervous I suppose."

"What do you have to be nervous about?" Another soldier asked, walking up to the group

"I'm nervous she won't like my gift,"

"Look son, if there's one thing I know about women it's that if it's a gift from the heart and they can tell the thought behind it, they'd accept anything accept for shit."

"That's this buffoon's way of saying don't worry, just be yourself and I think she'll love it personally."

The boy nods as the gates to the bridge open, getting the attention of the small group of soldiers as they grabbed their items before walking the bridge into the castle.

Rosalith wasn't a big castle, least not compared to that of the Empire's own capital, but it served it's purpose which was to house the Archduke, his family, and the Shields of Rosaria

For a few minutes, though to one particular person it felt like hours, the townspeople cheered as the returning soldiers waved and returned their gesture of gratitude and celebration of their safe return as they walked through the streets of Rosalith's town district before reaching the castle proper.

A young girl's nervous shifting was not unnoticed by the young man next to her

"I'm sure he's fine," he whispered to her

The girl nods "I know," she whispered back "but I can't help but worry for him."

In front of this duo, were three people.

One was an older man with short black hair and beard, complimenting his dark grey eyes, he wore a red tunic over his chain mail.

Next, clad in a dress, was a woman with a fancy styled head of blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

Finally, was a very young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes matching his mother entirely

These three were Archduke Elwin Rosfield, hus wife Lady Anabella, and their youngest son Joshua Rosfield.

The castle gates opened and the girl in the back immediately tried to peer past the three members of the ruling family to see if she spotted the familiar head of golden hair she always looked for.

"Jill, over there by Lord Murdoch." Her friend, the young man, whispered to her

The girl, named Jill, looked over and spotted him right in front with Lord Rodney Murdoch as they approached the Archduke and then stopped

"Welcome home my friends, I am glad you all made it back safely, I also see the look of satisfaction on your face, so tonight we will celebrate your triumphant pushback of Ironblood forces!"

"HRRRAAAAAH!" The soldiers shouted in jubilation.

Once they were dismissed and scattered, the young golden haired boy ran straight up to the girl called Jill.

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