so i made 3 fandub servers
two for proseka and one for touhou lostword
first is gen fandub not in diff units
seconds is going with the 2022 april fools day unit swap
third also gen fanduball servers are still in progress but i'll give you a link to whichever you'd like to join
names of servers:
dreamin melodies -gen fandub
yokoso kira kira doki doki mochi mochi puyo puyo waku waku washoi no wandastage/(name is still pending) -2022 april fools unit swap
Lostword fandub -also gen fandub
the one thats mostly done is dreamin melodiesthis is copied to my other random book
a book of randomness (probably)
Randomso this is the first book I made it's probably going to be random but please do suggest something to write if you want to