Short Stories That Are Too Short To Be A Book 2: Hermit Babies

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Just for the record, the original idea is by @KeichiAkechi24 . I got inspired by them and Ember. Now it's my turn >:)

(permission was given by the original writer to use the idea for hermit babies.)

PearlescentMoon: AHgadjjjdjk

iskall85: ???

PearlescentMoon: ajhfgatyhjJHHHHHHHjf

PearlescentMoon: KakkKakdkjdddddd


GeminiTay: QQQQQqqqwerwwqqq

Grian: goodness what happened to chat???

Grian closed the chat, mildly confused. It was odd, for the two newest hermits to be acting like children, spamming chat. But, also, to be honest, kind of normal for the HermitCraft server.

Grian's head snapped up and his wings spread out behind him as he heard noise from the rift behind him. He turned around slowly and peeked out from behind a chest. He saw two small people exiting the rift and soon they popped out into the HermitCraft server. 

The parrot hybrid blinked. Then blinked again. In front of him were two very small versions of FWhip and Sausage. Grian watched as the two let go of each other's hands. Little FWhip turned back to the rift and scratched his little head.

"We come to hemit srever." Sausage mumbled, looking around the base.
FWhip made a small "mm-hm" noise. He seemed to spot something in the rift and pushed Sausage away. A bigger and older player ran out of the portal and scooped up FWhip in his arms.

"You little trouble maker! I was looking for you everywhere!"

Grian grinned and took flight quietly. He swooped down and grabbed Sausage between his taloned feet, quickly grabbing the smaller in his arms.

"Wha- Sausage? Sausage?!" Oli looked frantically around, and Grian flew back over his head, holding a very shocked, mini Emperor. 

Sausage began to cry a little, scared and not recognizing the parrot hybrid. Oli looked up and yelped. 

"Grian! You scared me!"

Grian landed softly and cradled the little Sausage in his arms, hushing him to sleep.

"What's going on here? Why are these two so little?"

"Well- Um- I don't... know?" Oli shrugged awkwardly with a grin. "They were both at the rift with me, right? Then I turn for one second, look back, they're children! Then they run into the rift by themselves! Isn't that right, you little-" Oli tickled FWhip in the neck, smiling.

"Well, we've got to tell the Hermits, right?" Grian asked, holding up his communicator.
"Wait. If it's happened in Empires, it could have-" The parrot man snapped his fingers. Taking baby Sausage and shoving him into Oli's arms, he lifted himself off the ground with a powerful beat of his wings. 

"I'll be back!"

"Wait! Grian!"

Grian chuckled a little bit. He spread his wings further and flew over Scar's base. There was an explosion from the center of the road and Grian dipped down to see what had happened. The smoke cleared and a tiny, child version of Scar stood up and brushed off his clothes with care. Little Scar opened a chest and took out a tiny grey-and-white kitten.

Grian was overjoyed and scooped up both Scar and baby Jellie. Scar screeched in fear and held onto Jellie tightly.

MumboJumbo: soppinh disic peas

falsesymytry: everyone to shopping district please

So... Mumbo was... also a kid. Grian smiled and hugged baby Scar closer to his chest.

"Uncle Gwee-on!" Scar laughed, recognizing Grian at last. 

When the two arrived at the shopping district, Grian spotted a baby Mumbo. Letting go of Scar, the parrot man bolted over to little Mumbo and hugged him. 

"Ack!" Little Mumbo yelped, suffocating slightly. "Ucnle Gian?"  He asked, looking up. Grian let out a shrill squeak of happiness and wrapped his wings around both himself and his tiny redstoner friend. 

"Oh, how the tables have turned." Said a voice. False smiled, watching Grian cling onto Mumbo though the redstoner was smaller than him.

A loud splash followed by an even louder scream made Grian's blood veins turn cold. He held onto Mumbo protectively, and wrapped Scar up in his wings.

"ETHO!" Cleo shrieked.  She was staring down off the edge of a cliff. False ran over and, without hesitation, dove off the cliff and into the water below. Grian wasn't close enough to see, but could tell by Cleo's relieved sigh and gasps of air in the distance, that everyone had survived.

False climbed back up the high rock and handed over a very wet baby Etho to Cleo.

"False, thank you so much!" Cleo gasped, hugging the other hermit. Etho struggled out of the hug and tried to waddle off the cliff again.

Cleo caught him this time. She smiled again at False and set baby Etho down next to Grian.

"You don't mind watching him, do you, G?"

"Of course not! He's adorable!" Grian brought Etho into the hug and smiled.

Within minutes, the hermits had gathered around the shopping district. Little Ren declared that he was king and tried to make the others create a throne for him. Baby Pearl and baby Gem were bothering Impulse, whacking him with wooden swords until he fell over.  

Tango was holding a sleeping Zedaph. Jevin watched Wels and xB playing. Little Xisuma sat on a boulder and watched everyone with wide eyes. Tiny Stress bothered Iskall with baby Doc. Baby Scar and Cub took turns hugging Jellie.

And Oli finally arrived with Sausage and FWhip. Upon seeing her siblings (yes,  I went there) Gem scrambled away from beating up Impulse and ran towards FWhip and Sausage happily.

Oli, exhausted, collapsed on the floor. Ren jumped off his small rock and yelled, "ATTAAAAAAACK!", running at Oli with his wooden sword raised. Floods of children leaped on top of Oli and poked him with swords or sticks. Grian laughed. Little Mumbo sat in Grian's lap, watching the chaos.

The tip of a diamond sword seemed to slice through the air. The children stopped their fighting and watched as a miniature rift opened up. Jimmy either was thrown or fell out of the mini rift, clutching a shulker box to his chest. He sat up, bruised and scraped and lifted the lid of the box. A baby Joel leaped out, staring at the other kids with shock.

A smaller, white face peeped out. After a moment of hesitation, a tiny Lizzie went to stand beside her husband. 

The small rift closed up and Jimmy sighed in relief. False pressed a warm cloth to one of the bleeding cuts Jimmy had gained. The children were busy causing chaos again.

Grian smiled at all the children.

Maybe this adventure wouldn't be too bad, after all.

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