Chapter 1: Gaining Footing

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Let's just cut to the chase.

April 18th, 2015

Phoenix had arrived back to the dormitory, but found no one in the lounge which was confusing since Mitsuru had greeted himself, Minato, and Hamuko upon returning from school on days previous. Phoenix decided to not think much of it and walked upstairs to his and Minato's dorm, which had no Minato in there. Phoenix checked around the room, but there was no camera.

Phoenix: Guess they finally gave up on monitoring us.

Phoenix decides since there's no one around right now he'll go for a little stroll to clear his head, he changes out of his uniform, he checks to pockets of the uniform and finds the Evoker he was given a week prior hadn't been taken and heads out into Iwatodai despite the warnings from Mitsuru a week prior not to be out late at night.

Phoenix: I should pay attention to the time, don't want the weird green hour to sneak up on me and have to face Shadows.

Phoenix walks around trying his best to blend in with the crowd despite his appearance. Phoenix doesn't do a good enough job at watching the time.

Dark Hour

Phoenix is headed back to the dorm when the people around him transmogrify into coffins and the strange boy from the first day at the dorm walks up beside him.

Boy: "Out for a late night stroll?"

Phoenix is surprised at the appearance on the boy, but doesn't let it show.

Phoenix: "You could say that. Anyways, who even are you?"

Boy: (chuckles) "We've met before. Soon, the end will come."

Phoenix: "That's vague..."

Boy: "Life and death can be that way sometimes can't they?"

Phoenix: "I don't really care."

Boy: "Life and death, one bastardized while the other is glorified. Such a strange dichotomy, why is there such a difference when both are needed to maintain balance?"

Phoenix: "People are afraid of what they don't understand."

Boy: "I suppose your correct...Oh, it seems you've awakened to your power much like the other two. You three all have an unusual power."

Phoenix looks up to the half moon hanging in the sky.

Boy: "Not paying attention?"

Phoenix: "I am, just wondering some things myself."

Boy: "Oh? I would so enjoy to hear your thoughts."

Phoenix: "Let's see where to begin...I suppose I could start where we were talking initially life and death, what quantifies living and dying? Is it something predetermined or is it purely up to what the beholder believes it to be?"

Boy: "How very interesting...I will have to think on this...Before I go, do you remember when we first met?"

Phoenix: "First met? You mean when I signed the contract?"

Boy: "No, that was not the first time we met...It seems you cannot remember, how sad to think you could forget a friend. Just know, I'll be watching you, even if you forget about me again...Okay then, see you later."

Phoenix: "See you."

The boy disappears and Phoenix begins walking the path back to the dorm, which he does eventually get to. Phoenix heads in and upstairs to his and Minato's dorm finding Minato awake in bed.

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