We know

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Word count: 13o4


'What the hell has gotten into them...' You thought to yourself as you stood in the middle, sided with Mitsuri and Shinobu. "Sorry... we need to borrow (Y/n)." Shinobu smiled, having a slight harsh tone while speaking. "Yeah... no. I need to see my girlfriend... so if you don't mind me Kocho—" Muichiro spoke, reaching his hand out to grab you before Mitsuri stepped in front of him. "Sorry Muichiro... we have girl things that we have to attend to. Maybe some other time!"

Mitsuri and Shinobu quickly took you away leave the three there in shock. "Hey! You can't just take her away from me!" Muichiro shouted, quickly walking after Mitsuri and Shinobu. Shinobu and Mitsuri looked at each other, giving a nod before Mitsuri quickly picked you up into a bridal style, running off with Shinobu right behind. Muichiro's eyes widened standing there shocked. He was about to go after them until Giyuu placed a hand onto his shoulder.

**- Meanwhile, with Shinobu and Mitsuri -**

"We have to get you out of here, (Y/n)." Shinobu quickly looked behind her slowing down as Mitsuri did the same, carefully placing you onto your feet. She took a step back to where Shinobu was, fidgeting with her hands. "What's going on..?" You glanced back and forth at the two, confused. "You aren't from here... correct?" Shinobu smiled before glancing over at Mitsuri. Your eyes widened as you stared at the two. "How did—" "How did we know? Well, Mitsuri was the first to find out..."

You turned to look over at Mitsuri who was avoiding your gaze. "It happened last night... it... it was like a dream... but you were in it! It was like WHOOSH! And then BOOM! A-And then there you were just coming in from like a different world!" Mitsuri tired her best to explain. You blinked, staring at her. "In other words, she had a vision that you were not of this world. That many bad things were going to happen."  You hummed, sighing.

"We want to help you get back to your world before anything gets worse..." Mitsuri glanced back at you, fidgeting with her hands again. "I just don't want you to get hurt (Y/n)!" Mitsuri started crying, walking over to you and squeezing you into a tight hug. "O-Okay! Mitsuri! You're... squeezing... me..." You wheezed out before she let go of you. "We promise we'll—" "Miss Kocho? Miss Kanroji? Oh... hello... (Y/n). What are you three doing here..?" It was Senjuro. He gave a gentle smile, looking at them.

The three froze, turning towards Senjuro. "Oh my... hello Senjuro. We were just discussing some girl things on our way to class." Shinobu gave a soft smile towards him. Mitsuri just stared at him, glancing over at Shinobu with wide eyes, subtly shaking her head. Shinobu glanced over at Mitsuri her eyes slightly narrowing before she went back to smiling at Senjuro. "Oh! Well, we should get going now! Us three have much to discuss." Shinobu excused all three of them. Senjuro blinked before panicking. "O- wait! Please... have you seen where my brother is at? He wasn't at the council room... could you three help me find him? Please? I have something to ask him."

"Oh... well—" Mitsuri started. "Yo, yo! What's going on here? Having a party without me, are we?" Uzui chimed in, chuckling as he appeared from behind Senjuro, placing a hand onto his head. He was chewing gum as he blew a bubble popping it. Senjuro gave a sheepish smile. "Oh... hello mister Uzui." "Hey kid. Where's your brother? I usually see you two with each other." Uzui gave a light pat to his head, ruffling his hair as he raised a brow. "That's the thing... I couldn't find him... and I was asking if (Y/n) and miss Kocho and Kanroji could help me find him.

Uzui smiled, putting an arm around Senjuro as he took him away from you and the others. "Oh! Say less! Me and my wonderful, lovely girlfriends will assist you in finding your brother." Uzui let out a hearty chuckle. Senjuro smiled up at him before looking at the ground, clenching his fists. 'Crap... brother isn't going to be happy...' Senjuro thought to himself as he was taken away by Uzui. Mitsuri and Shinobu both looked at each other, letting out a sigh of relief. Shinobu and Mitsuri quickly took a hand, dragging you into an empty classroom, making sure no one saw them.

You quickly turn to look at them. "Why were you all so hesitant to get away from Senjuro..." Mitsuri stood by the door, keeping a look out. Shinobu took a deep breath, walking over to you, gently taking your hands into hers. "As we already explained to you... we know that you are not from this world." She looked you dead into your eyes with a serious expression. "(Y/n)... listen to me very carefully. Please... your life is in danger. We know that we're in a dating game... but it's no longer just an innocent game anymore. All of these... everyone! Everyone is after you... all those people you've made friends with..! Interests... it would pop up whenever an interest would be near you, right? Can you check where everything's at? Their levels?"

You blinked, taking in the information as you nodded. You quickly pulled down the games system as you tried clicking onto your stats. Nothing. Again. Nothing happened. An error popped up. 'System Down' is what it said. "It's... it's not letting me..." Shinobu's eyes widened, glancing back at Mitsuri. So far everything she's dreamt of... was right... so that means— they were interrupted by the bell. School ended... that means... time for the meeting... "Dammit." Shinobu mumbled under her breath.

The whole meeting... everyone was staring at you... everyone. They would occasionally glance away... but would always go back to you. "That concludes our meeting everyone! Have a wonderful day! Get home safe please!" Kyōjurō dismissed before quickly glancing over to you. He immediately walked over to you with a smile on his face. As he was about to speak, he was cut off by Muichiro who glared at him. The two stared at each other for a minute. "Can I help you Tokito?" Kyōjurō smiled at him, his gaze darkening a bit. "No... nothing. Just going to walk home with my girlfriend." Muichiro continued to glare at him. Kyōjurō kept on staring at him before his gaze went behind him to Shinobu and Mitsuri quickly dragging you out. He hummed before grabbing onto Muichiro's shoulders, turning him around.

"I don't think she waited for you..." Kyōjurō spoke, leaning down towards his ear, his expression dark. "Soon enough... you won't even have one." Kyōjurō then smiled, letting go of him before ruffling Muichiro's hair. "Goodbye Tokito!" He walked out of the council room, his voice booming as he waved. Muichiro glared at him, clenching his fist. "Stupid flame weasel." He mumbled to himself, scoffing as he walked out of the council room. Shinobu, you, and Mitsuri were quickly making your way out of the school. "We must quickly get you out of here... and fast." And with that, you all quickly began walking to Shinobu's home.




Boom. Chapter complete. 🫡

I am honestly trying to make it make sense but like I genuinely have no idea what to do bro. 😭
Like please forgive me if this is bad. I don't mean it to be, but I hope you kinda at least enjoyed reading this after I like edged y'all so long for another chapter. Just let me cook you guys... trust

P.S: There's probably so much mistakes, so please ignore all of that 😭🙏

Be safe!! And drink lots of water! love you all!!! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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