Part 17

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Evening in Kim Mansion
Jin:I swear boys I'll beat the shit out of you both if I came there (shout+stern)
(Ok so let me tell you guys why Jin is this much angry actually vmin is  running around the mansion from a long time while he is busy in house chores and he is telling them to stop which they are ignoring professionally and Jin is becoming more and more angry as first he didn't get enough sleep because of Kookie last night and now vmin are also troubling him)
Back to story
Vmin didn't said anything and kept running
Jin sighs heavily
After sometime
V:Eomma I am hungry (shouts)
Jimin:me too(shouts)
Jin: stop shouting brat's dinner will be ready in 5 minutes (shout back's)
Vmin:No we want it now (whining)
Jim: Enough is enough boys I have had enough of your both this bratty behavior stop it before I lose my temper completely (stern)
They kept quiet
After five minutes
Joon has also come back
RM: How was your day boys (smiles to Vmin)
(Btw kook is sleeping)
Vmin: Boring as always (said at the same time)
RM: (laughed)
They noded
Just then Jin came with dinner
Jin: Start eating guys (serving them)
Tae:Ahhh again these vegetables (whining)
Jimin:I don't want to eat it papa(whining)
Jin: Don't start again or else I won't talk with you guys my pink slippers will so start eating without any whining (stern)
They both immediately shut their mouth
After dinner:
In living room:
Tae:Appa please play with us (whining)
RM: (silent)
Jimin:Appa please (whining )
RM: (silent)
Vmin:APPA(shout together)
RM: WHAT (Shout)
Tae: Play with us (pleading)
RM:I don't have time guys play yourselves please (softly)
Jimin:Appa please (whining)
RM:I said no Jimin don't you understand at once (stern)
Tae: But -
RM:no buts Tae go now (stern)
Vmin left sadly
Meanwhile with Jinkook
Jk:Pwapa koowkie wanwts Milkwy (whining)
Jin: Kookie I said wait a minute baby let me just put my night dress (Calmly)
Jk:Otey (pout)
After sometimes Jin came and started feeding kookie
Jin:Kook don't bite baby (hissed in pain)
But Kookie didn't even budge a little and keep on sucking and biting Jin hardly
Jin: Jungkook I said stop biting me (stern)
But Kookie didn't listen and again bite him and Jin has had enough he immediately pulled his nipple out of kookie's mouth and said
Jin:No more milk for you now go and stand in the corner (strict)
Jk:Nwo koowkie wanwts Milkwy (shout)
Jin: Stop shouting young man and do as I had said (strict)
Jin: You won't understand right (pulled him on his lap)
Jk:Ahhh pwapa sowrry nwo plwase (crying already)
Jin:No no why are you saying sorry huh(strict)
Jk: Pwapa Nwo morwe plewase (crying)
Jin:Keep quiet Jungkook (strict)
Jk:Ahh Pwapa sowrry no mower plwease (crying hard)
Jin: Okay enough stop crying (softly)
(Jin also felt bad seeing kook crying as he had punished him this hard for the first time)
Jk: Pwapa huwrts(crying)
Jin:sh sh it's okay here have your milky (lifting his shirt up)
(Kookie immediately start sucking and slept after sometime so jin layed him properly on bed, kissed his forehead and also laid beside him)
Next day:
Sunday at 12:00 PM
(RM is really annoyed as twin's again we're disturbing him like yesterday when he was doing some important office work and they had just left after getting scolded and kook came asking for RM's phone which he denied but kook being kook started whining and to his bad luck RM was already pissed off and his whining made him more angry so without any single thought he layed him on his lap and started spanking him)
RM:I told you once that (Spank)leave me alone I am busy I can't give you my phone (Spank)now but no you(Spank)guys don't understand in once right (Spank)
Jk:Ah ah Appwa sowrry nwo morwe(crying his eyes out)
RM: shut up (shout)
Jk:Ah ah (crying hard)
RM: You guys really love to piss me right (angry)
Jk:Appwa sorrwy please (crying hard)
RM: Leave now (shout)
(Kookie left limping and crying hard to his play room and slept due to tiredness and crying)
Timeskip at lunch
Everyone noticed that Jk is so quiet and Jin had also asked him but he didn't tell anything to anyone and left after eating
At 4:00PM
Tae:Kook let's play (excited)
Jk:Nwo wawnt(looking down)
Jimin:Why bub(worried+confused)
Jk didn't said anything
Tae: Baby come here tell hyungie what happened (softly patting his lap)
Jimin:Yes baby tell Hyung's what (happened (worried)
That's it for Kookie he started crying loudly)
(Vmin become worried and Jimin immediately went to call namjin
After some minutes when Namjin along with Jimin enter in room they saw kook sitting on Tae's lap crying while Tae was comforting him but as soon as kook saw namjin he immediately hide his face in Tae's neck and started crying more loudly shocking everyone in the room )
(Jin become worried and tried taking Kook from Tae's lap but he didn't came so Jin take him forcefully and made him sit on his lap
Jin: sh sh baby calm down tell Papa what happened hmm sh sh(softly)
After sometime Jk become a little calm but he was still sniffing
RM: what happened bubba atleast tell us(softly)
Jk:A-Appwa P-Pwapa b-bawd t-they s-spanked K-Kookie any A-Appwa d-didwn't e-even c-comforted K-Kookie (sniffing)
Then realization hit namjin that they both had took their anger out on the poor soul while the fault was of the twin's so they immediately started apologizing
Jin:B-Baby please f-forgive papa I didn't realize when I took all my anger out on you(guilty)
RM:I am sorry too baby (kissing his whole face)
Jk: It's Otey buwt down't dwo itw agawin itws hurwts(pouts cutely)
Namjin:We won't baby promise (smiles)
Vmin: You guys forget us (pouting)
Namjin:Aww come here (opening their arms)
Vmin immediately hug them
Vminkook: We love you Papa and Appa(hugging them)
Namjin:We love you too babies (hugs back)
Sorry for the late update!!!
I am a little busy guys!!!
Will update soon!!!

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