16 - Hide and Seek

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The doorknob turned, and you panicked. Using your quirk, you flew your hand out and pulled. He came flying at you.
You both hit the floor, thankful for his reflexes, because he stopped himself from crushing you. His arms holding up, over top of you.
Then the door opened.
"Look, man, we can't find Yn anywhere. Do you know where -" Kiri paused, made a surprised face, and shut the door. You heard him call on the other side, "No one's in there, guys. He must have gone for a run."

Neither of your processed what had just happened for a few moments. Then you started to giggle.
"What's so fucking funny?"
Between laughs you managed to speak, "It's just, today has been so frustrating. With this whole class hunt, Present Mic, now this." You kept giggling.
You could see him trying to hold back a laugh, "Present Mic?"
"He bailed me out of class, but in return, I had to tell him what was happening. And tomorrow, I have to report tomorrow's sunrise veiwing."
He started to chuckle, and he hung his head on your shoulder. "You bribed the teacher with gossip to get out of class."
You almost burst out laughing and tried to keep your laughter down. "Ya, I guess I did."

You both kept laughing. He looked back down at you as you both managed to stop laughing.
He spoke softly, "You're amazing..."
You felt your face start to heat as you stared back up. He came a bit closer to your face. You shut your eyes.
A banging on the door made you jump.
Kiri yelled loudly on the other side, "Come on! I said he wasn't in there, guys!"
Katsuki was up quickly and had rolled you under the bed as if this was practiced. Now, under the bed, you were baffled, not exactly sure how he managed it that quickly.

You heard the door open and covered your mouth so you wouldn't breathe too loudly.
"He's right there, Kiri!" Kaminari announced.
"Oh, sorry, man, he must have been in the bathroom or something." Kiri said.
"The fuck are you doing barging into my damn room!?" Katsuki demanded.
"We are trying to find Yn, but they've just vanished!" Mina said as you watched the threes feet enter the room.
"Why the fuck would I know where they are!?"
"You two gave know each other for who knows how long, we dunno." Kaminari tried to reason.
"Well as you can fucking see, I'm fucking alone! Now get out!" You could hear Katsukis quirk starting.
"Ya, it's just him, guys." Kiri sounded a bit confused himself. "Let's check around outside again."
The three shuffled out with Katsuki threatening them. You sighed in relief when the door shut, and he clicked the lock.
"I don't know if the lock does anything anymore." You joked from under the bed.
"Are you going to come out?"
"Nah, honestly, I'm still confused about how I got here."
"You were fucking rolled."
"Have you done that before? Cause that was definitely practiced." You crawled out.
"I may have rolled your brother under the bed when we would all have sleepovers as kids."
"That's why that kept happening?" You started to laugh, "That's brilliant."
"It was fucking hilarious."

You felt your phone buzz, a bunch of messages filled your notifications. You texted back one person, Izuku.

Izuku : Where are you? Are you safe? I'm worried.

Yn : I'm alright, just staying hidden from the mobs

Izuku : Where?

Yn : You're a part of the mob, bro. I'm not saying. All you need to know is I'm safe.

You shut off your phone. Katuski watched you, "You like staring?"
"Do you have to text the fucking nerd?"
"He's my brother, and would definitely send out a city wide search if I didn't."
Reluctantly he nodded in agreement.

You stayed in his dorm for a long while, reading random manga from his shelf. 
"When do you plan on going back to your dorm?"
You sighed, "I'm not sure. Why? Is it almost bedtime?"
He glared, "I'm just fucking asking."
"I should probably go see the damage the rampages caused."
He chuckled, "I kind of want to see."
"Great. You can make sure the hall is clear."
"Oh, I'm just the bait now?"
"I wouldn't say bait, you aren't being hunted."
He opened the door and looked out, "You're fine."
Yoh slipped out past him and didn't even need to open your door. It was broken.
Stepping you, looking around at the mess. "I'm killing them all."
He stepped in behind you, chuckling. "Holy shit."
You picked up some things, "How am I supposed to live in here now?" You sighed, trying to clear your bed.
There was a silence before he spoke, "You could stay in my dorm tonight."
"What?" You turned to him, surprised.
"It's not anything fucking special, you've stayed overnight with me before."
'Not after almost kissing twice.' You thought.
"Ya, sure, thanks." Grabbing some of your stuff, pj's, phone charger, and anything else you thought you might need.
"Hurry up, I think I can hear the destruction squad on the elevator."
You both looked at each other, and you went for the balcony again. Motioning for him to follow.
You got across, then saw him about to use his explosions to get across.
"No!" You whispered yelled, "Stealth! Let me!"
You used your quirk to lift him and awkwardly drop him on the balcony. He knocked into you and used the wall for support. You stuck between.
"Hi." You said awkwardly.
"Hi?" He repeated confused.
You both heard them entering your dorm again, "Someone's been here!" Someone's shouted.
He opened the door, and you both hurried in.
"Shove your shit in the closet, I have a fucking feeling someone will bust into my room next."

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