Imagine #5

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Alcina was sitting in her lush, spacious living room, the sunlight streaming through the tall windows and illuminating every corner of the room. She was thinking about Y/N, her mind constantly wandering back to the young maiden who had captured her heart.

As she sat sipping her wine, Alcina couldn't help but notice the emptiness of the room. Despite its elegance and charm, it felt lonely without Y/N's presence. It was then that she realized just how much she missed Y/N – not just for her beauty and charm, but for what she brought to Alcina's life.

Feeling an overwhelming urge to see Y/N, Alcina quickly set her glass down on the coffee table and stood up. She walked towards the door and opened it, stepping out into the hallways of her luxurious mansion.

As she walked through the halls, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. There was a tension in the air, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. She shrugged it off and continued her search, eventually making her way to the library, the one place she knew she could always count on to find Y/N.

When she entered the library, she was met by a sight that took her breath away. Y/N was sitting at the table, surrounded by stacks of books and papers. She was absorbed in her work, focusing on every detail and every word.

Alcina couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion wash over her. She was filled to the brim with love and admiration for Y/N. She was beautiful, smart, and hardworking – everything Alcina had ever wanted in a partner.

"Y/N!" Alcina exclaimed, running to Y/N and wrapping her arms around her. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Y/N replied, smiling up at Alcina. "What brings you to the library?"

Alcina pulled out the small, elegant box and handed it to Y/N. "It's a little something to show you how much I care," she said, her eyes sparkling as she watched Y/N open the box. "I hope you like it."

Y/N's face lit up as she saw the pair of diamond earrings inside. "They're beautiful, Alcina," she said, holding them up.

Next day..

As the two women spent more time together, their relationship became increasingly intimate. Alcina was drawn to Y/N's kindness, compassion, and gentle manner, and Y/N was captivated by Alcina's powerful presence, her intelligence, and her unwavering desire to protect her.

At first, their relationship was focused on physical intimacy, but as time passed, it became clear that there was something more between them. Y/N was becoming increasingly dependent on Alcina for her emotional well-being, and Alcina found herself unable to imagine a life without Y/N.

Despite her possessive and controlling tendencies, Alcina loved Y/N with an intensity that she had never experienced before. She was willing to do anything to keep Y/N by her side, even if it meant using violence or manipulation. Y/N, in turn, loved Alcina with a passion that she could not fully understand. She knew that their relationship was not healthy, but she couldn't resist the pull that Alcina had on her.

As time went on, their relationship grew more complicated, with Y/N becoming increasingly dependent on Alcina and Alcina becoming increasingly possessive of Y/N. The tension between them was palpable, and it seemed that something had to give.

In the end, it was Y/N who made the first move. She approached Alcina one day and told her that she could no longer continue their relationship. Alcina was devastated, but she knew that it was ultimately for the best. Despite her possessiveness, Alcina truly loved Y/N and wanted her to be happy, even if it meant leaving her behind.

As Y/N walked away, Alcina's heart broke a little more. She knew that she would never forget Y/N, and that she would always cherish the memories of her time with her. But she also knew that she had learned valuable lessons about love and about herself. She knew that she had to let go of her obsession with Y/N, and that she had to find a way to move on.

It was not an easy process, but over time, Alcina was able to heal and move on from her obsession with Y/N. She went on to live a successful and fulfilling life, and she always remembered her time with Y/N with a sense of regret and wonder.

Alcina was sitting in her luxurious mansion's library, staring at the empty bottles of alcohol and trying to forget the feeling of loss that had been haunting her for so long. Her former obsession, Y/N, had left her months ago, and Alcina was having a hard time coping with the pain of their separation.

She was about to pour herself another drink when she heard a knock at the door. It was Lily, her loyal butler, who had been taking care of her ever since Y/N left. Lily was always there for her, helping her with her chores and keeping her company during her moments of depression.

"What is it, Lily?" Alcina asked, still feeling the sting of the alcohol she had already consumed.

Lily cleared his throat, looking a little hesitant. "Lady Alcina, I have some news that may interest you."

Alcina raised an eyebrow, interested in hearing what Lily had to say. "What is it?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the butler.

Lily took a deep breath before speaking. "Y/N is coming back to see you, my lady," he said, his voice low and ominous.

Alcina's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Y/N's name. She had missed her so much, and the thought of seeing her again made her heart race. "When?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Tonight, my lady," Lily replied, a small smile forming on his lips.

As the night went on, Alcina's anticipation grew even more. She changed into her most beautiful dress and spent hours getting ready, trying to look her best for her ex-lover. As she sat in her living room, waiting for Y/N to arrive, she felt like a schoolgirl on her first date, nervous and excited all at once.

Finally, the doorbell rang, and Alcina ran to the door, her heart racing. When she opened it, she saw Y/N standing on her doorstep, looking more beautiful than ever.

"Y/N!" Alcina exclaimed, throwing her arms around the girl. "I've missed you so much."

Y/N smiled, wrapping her arms around Alcina and pulling her close. "I've missed you too, Alcina."

As they stood there, holding each other tightly,

Sorry for the late update hope you enjoyed

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