Chapter 4: NEO Egoist League

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A/N: The blue lock universe is mixed with the haikyuu one.

"I say, Erika-chan. What exactly did you see in that baby-faced lad? I mean, he is not even taller than you!" Morisuke Yaku questioned Erika Haiba as he took another mouthful of his beer while Tetsuro Kuroo gawked at his friend in distaste.

"You should stop drinking anymore, Yaku. The serotonin and dopamine in alcohol are making you stupider and you are already stupid enough."

"Hah!? I don't want to listen to someone who had already drank three glasses!" Yaku shouted at Kuroo who grinned in a 'polite' smile.

"But I am not a child unlike you, Yaku. Also, I am not an athlete like a certain someone AND I am taller." Kuroo stated, his smirk widened.

Just as Yaku was about to argue with Kuroo, Osamu Miya, the owner of the restaurant, intervened by slapping both of their heads. A series of "hey!" and "ouch!" followed as Osamu sent them a glare.

"Cause a scene in my restaurant anymore and you will be kick out immediately." Osamu declared, a dark aura surrounding him and the duo instantly turned silent. He then turned towards Erika who was looking at her glass of sake in daze. She sighed as she brushed away a few strand of her light grey hair. She was still bitter over the fact that she was rejected by none other than Akihito Tham, her colleague at the modelling agency.

Keiji Akaashi took away her glass, "You should also stop drinking, you had only just became of age so it is not wise for you to drink so much."

"Yup, he's right. Lev will kill us if you go home drunk." Kuroo commented and continued to drink his sake despite the fact that he knew the harmful chemical composition of alcohol. But who cares either way?

Hearing this, Erika slumped on the table as Akaashi walked over to Kotaro Bokuto and took away the plate of fried chicken he was currently eating.

"Hey! Hey! Akaashi! I haven't finish that!" Bokuto argued as he tried to grab his plate of fried chicken back from Akaashi who was currently looking at him in disdain. He was thinking about how he still had to look after his friend when he was already twenty-three years old.

"You have a match next week so fried chicken is a no."

"Bruh! It's fine! I am controlling myself!" Bokuto asserted, but lower down his volume after he noticed that Osamu was giving him a very creepy look.

"Says the one who had already eaten two plates of it plus a yakiniku for lunch." Said Akaashi blankly.

Instantly, Bokuto went silent and he gave a fake cough.

"He has pretty eyes. They illuminated like stars in the night sky and it makes him...charming, along with his quiet personality." Erika mumbled, probably due to the alcohol in her system as a shade of red covered her cheeks. Damn. All of them thought. She fell hard.

"Seriously, Erika-chan?" Yaku exclaimed, his mouth opened. "Looks are not about everything!"

"Yaku." Osamu said, his tone is now threatening.

"Furthermore, he is kind despite his demeanour and he was the first one who helped me when no one else stood up for me. He looks cute too." She continued in nostalgia and Kuroo began to argue.

"But he is younger than you?"

"Age is not an issue, Kuroo-san." Akaashi, who so far was the only one who supported Erika's affections for the boy named Akihito, said in a matter-of-fact way. "My mother is a few years older than my father too."

Now it was Bokuto's turn to say something. "You don't mind that he was poor?"

"I don't care about his background, I him for who he is." Erika replied, her voice soft as she remembered how she was turned down by Akihito due to his belief that he was too 'poor' for her. She later sighed despondently.

"Then just go get him."

Erika's green eyes widened in surprise as she turned towards Osamu who was currently preparing some onigiri. She gave him a questionable look and he shrugged in return.

"I mean why not? He does not hate you and at the same time, you are one of the several people he cared about in his life I guess, from what you have told us."

Osamu's words somehow evoked a hope in Erika's heart. The fire of determination seemed to ignite in her eyes. Right. She was not a person who would give up without a fight.


It was a weird feeling for Akihito.

Due to the fact that he was new in Blue Lock, he did not really understand how the system worked here. Although Rin had told him things about the place, it just seemed different in comparison when he was here in person. Like why must they travelled all the way uphill just to play soccer? Isn't it supposed to play on flat ground? Furthermore, he was the only one in his school uniform since he had not receive the official Blue Lock uniforms yet which caught the eyes of many. And Akihito hated to be stared at.

Thankfully, no one bothered him due to the fact that he was with Rin (as his face was scaring them off). He enjoyed the peace and killed his time by watching some soccer edits online and also having a small debates here and there with Rin about random stuffs.

Once the bus finally arrived at its destination, Akihito was amazed on how big the place actually was but then squirmed slightly at the helicopters and the swarm of reporters that surrounded them. He later then collected his uniforms from a lady by the name of Teieri before changing into it at a nearby toilet. After that, he sauntered through the hallway to search for Rin and found him to be speaking to a shorter boy with dark blue hair and blue eyes.

I didn't know that he has friends, Akihito thought. Or are they rivals instead? He does seem to be quite familar... They are heating up...

"Don't talk to me, you wannabe hero. Wanna get stabbed?" Rin started with a threatening tone as he glared dagggers at the boy who only scoffed in return.

"Oh shut up, you wannabe villain."

Well, it was true that Rin always desired to be the 'wannabe villain'.

"Who is this, Rin?" Akihito asked, his curiosity aroused.

Finally noticing him, the boy's face turned flustered as he began to introduce himself. "Yoichi Isagi, and you are? I never seemed to have met you before."

"Oh. I am new here. Name is...just Akihito."

"Then nice to meet you, Akihito-kun!" Isagi said with a welcoming smile, though the surprise was evident in his eyes. He somehow reminded Akihito of a small docile puppy that barks loudly. In the corner of his eye, Akihito witnessed Rin huffed as he crossed his arms. Then, a creepy lanky dude, whom Akihito assumed was Ego (cause the appearance matched the voice), suddenly appeared on a huge screen.

"Hello there, diamonds in the rough. Did you all enjoy the holidays?" He began with a suspicious grin, much to Akihito's distaste.

"As you know, I now hold the power to decide every member of Japan's U-20 team..." Ego continued with his 'welcome speech' while Akihito, who did not bother to listen all the crap, started to yawn. Quite a big yawn.

The yawn caught almost everybody's attention as the other Blue Lockers started to look in his direction. Different expressions could be seen on their faces; blank, curiosity, angry and skepticism. Akihito returned all of them with a blank look, a tear dropping from his eyelid due to sleepiness.

Suddenly remembering about him, Ego introduced, "Oh, that is Akihito Tham. A diamond that has yet to be polished as he had unfortunately, missed the first phase of Blue Lock. But since he is here now, I hope that all of you get along."

"Name is Akihito, a third year this year." Akihito said with a bored look while trying to lean against the wall but failed because Rin slapped his back to make him stand straight.

Haiya. What a pain to be in football...

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