
978 21 3

3rd Person POV:
5 Years Ago:




It took a second for Y/N to fully register what he was hearing, he looks over and sees his mother looking at him from the driver seat of the car.  "Took you long enough" She says with a smile. Y/N's mother has long brown hair that reaches her shoulders. She's the reason for his brown hair.
"Sorry" 11 year old Y/N replies, he looks out the window opposite him and sees the gate to his house. 
"We are home?" Y/N unbuckles his seatbelt, sitting in the middle seat and leaning forward to easily talk to his mother. 
"You are, I have to go back into town to meet with a client" 
Y/N face falls a bit, "You won't be with me and dad for dinner?" She looks at him with a sad smile. "Sadly not no. You should head inside now cause I have to go" Y/N hums and exits the car, going to the boot of the range rover as his mother opens the boot remotely. He grabs his bag and his coat from the back and he walks to the driver window as his mother rolls it down. "I'll be home in a few hours, Love you kiddo" Y/N smiles "Love you too"
She smiles before closing the window and driving off. Y/N turns to his house. Let's just say Y/N's family was not broke. The view of their house is blocked by a big bush, the only view being from in the gate and the side gate, the area is surrounded by trees leaving the outside in the shade, which Y/N loved.
Y/N walks into the side gate and closes it behind him. 

(Just imagine the yard being small and trees everywhere with a dark concrete driveway

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(Just imagine the yard being small and trees everywhere with a dark concrete driveway.)

He walks past his fathers Mercedes benz and into the house. As he enters he hears sizzling and 'Cocaine Blues' playing.
Y/N's father loved Johnny Cash, he was the reason Y/N loves him so much.  Y/N looks to the right, looking at the mail on top of the fancy wooden cabinet along with a mirror on the wall and a glass bowl with car keys in it. He picks up the mail and looks at the writing.  The name on the letter is


Y/N squints his eyes but none of the writing makes any sense and he hears whispers all around him. It's a women's voice from what he can tell.

"Y/N please wake up"

He keeps hearing that as it gets louder and louder until someone screams to get his attention. 
"Y/N?" It's his dad, he has paused the music and is leaning on the doorframe into the kitchen. He is dressed smart, as always. grey shirt, black jeans and black boots. Y/N could never see his dad wearing a tracksuit. 

"Sorry dad" Y/N responds, putting the mail on the table again and walking over to his dad. 
"You ready for dinner buddy?" Y/N nods as his dad walks back into the kitchen. Y/N sits down on the stool and watches as his dad puts chicken wings and chips onto a plate. Y/N's dad is a fantastic cook and owns 2 restaurants around the New York area, which earns him good money, also the fact that he is an accountant who is well known. He presses a button which plays 'Cocaine Blues' again and starts humming to the beat as he places the plate of food in front of Y/N. "Thanks" Y/N says as his dad takes some kitchen towel and gives it to him to wipe his hands. "So how was school bud?" Y/N's dad asks him, standing in front of him, deciding not to sit down so it's easier to talk to Y/N. 
"Pretty boring" He takes a bit from the chicken wing and makes an approving hum and a nod which makes Y/N's dad smirk.
"Isn't that always your answer?"
Y/N shrugs making his dad chuckle a bit as he bites into his chips. 
"Well I will keep asking until you give me a different answer"
"And if I lie?" Y/N takes a bite from his chips.
"We can always tell when you lie, you're not good at it" His dad wipes his hands and goes to the sink, taking 2 clean glasses from the draining board and filling them up with water. 
"Maybe I am and I'm just tricking you"
His dad chuckles at the response as he walks over and gives his son the glass. 
"What? you think I couldn't?"
Y/N replies taking a drink from the water. "I don't think you have the balls to lie to us" 
"I could and you kn-"

Y/N jolts awake, he is boiling hot and sweating hard and his mouth in insanely dry , he looks around. It's day time from what he can tell, he takes off the blanket off and sees that he's shirtless and wearing grey sweatpants. 'Who dressed me?' 
He wipes the sweat off himself and cringes. 'I so smell'
He looks around and sees his guitar case and duffel bag in the corner. 'Is this Gwen's apartment?'
The kitchen is small but has everything, there is a TV in front of him and there is 2 doors between both rooms. He hears a web zip outside the apartment. 2 minutes later Gwen enters with a bag, she is wearing a hoodie and jeans and white vans and she turns to the couch, seeing Y/N away. 
"Y/N" She says in shock and she drops the bag and goes beside him with a worried face. "Are you ok?" 
"Don't go near me, I smell" He replies with makes her giggle and makes him smile. "How long was I out?"
Gwen stands up "a day"
Y/N eyes widen, 'A day?'. Y/N stands up which makes him nauseas and he almost falls but Gwen grabs him and holds him up. This makes them both blush since Gwen is touching his bare skin. 
"Thanks" he says nervously. 
He takes his time and goes to the kitchen. "Is your sink water drinkable?" He asks her as he looks up the cupboards for a cup. "Yes and the one beside the fridge"  She replies, picking up the bag she dropped off and putting it on the counter. He fills it up and takes a huge gulp, which makes him moan a small bit. His mouth feeling really refreshed. 
He turns to Gwen nervously. "Can I uhhh use your shower?" Gwen turns to him "Yeah sure, it's the door on the left"
Y/N nods and goes to take a shower.

Gwen and Y/N are sitting down on the couch with drinks, Y/N is wearing a T-Shirt that Gwen bought him, it's a bit small for him but at least he is not walking around shirtless. 
He is looking through his duffel bag and he pulls out his $200 in cash, placing it on the coffee table. 
"Holy shit" Gwen looks at the money in shock, which confuses Y/N. "What?"
"You're rich" That makes Y/N chuckle "Nah, I can barley-" He freezes for a second and rewords his sentence. "I could barley.... afford to keep my apartment"
"How?" Y/N is really confused at this point. "You could buy a new apartment  with that amount of money" Gwen tells him, picking up the cash. 
It finally clicks to Y/N. "Gwen, how much does ehhhh, a chocolate bar cost here?"
"20 cents" Y/N nods.
"My world was fucked by inflation, it's... it was normally $1.50 for a chocolate bar"
Gwen hums. "So you were poor" Y/N nods "Pretty much, where is my suit anyway?" 
"Oh I put it in my room for a while" Y/N nods. "You can't go out when sick anyway" 
"I don't even know where it came from" Although he has an idea.
"Hey, wanna go out and explore my world?"

Y/N loves Gwen's dimension so far, the people are extremely nice and approachable. First thing they did was go to a clothes store and that's when Gwen realized that he had a very expensive taste. He bought tons of shirts and jeans, very fancy boots, suede and leather jackets, which he changed into first chance. He also bought some sunglasses to cover his eye.
"You look really good Y/N, never seen you in casual clothes" Y/N nods "Same with you, you also look good" Gwen smirks "Thanks"
"Anywhere else you want me to check out?"
Gwen thinks for a second before nodding. They walk to an alleyway which is blocked off by a fence. Gwen and Y/N look around to see if someone is nearby. When they see nobody they both jump over the fence using their powers. Gwen looks up the building, it's a really tall building. 
"We are gonna go up there but we need to change into our Spider suits"
Y/N nods before looking around and he sees a spot to put his bag full of stuff.
They both undress revealing that they had their spider gear underneath all their clothes. 
They both web and run up to the top and the view was outstanding. Y/N's face lightens up as he takes in everything. Gwen smiles as she sits on the edge, hanging her legs off and Y/N follows her, doing the same.
"This is a great spot, wow" Gwen chuckles as she removes her mask and Y/N does the same. 
It gets a bit awkward... Which Gwen can't stand.
"I'm.....sorry...about your dimension" That makes Y/N look down and Gwen cringes internally.
"It was just so unexpected. The last thing I did was ruin my relationship with Gwen.. My Gwen"
Gwen looks at him sadly, regretting saying anything about his dimension but also curious.
"Can I ask what happened?"
Y/N sighs, rubbing his eyes and Gwen slowly puts his hand on his shoulder.
"I told her about me being Spider-Man. She hated me for lying to her about it. She ran off and I wanted to apologies I did but then all of a sudden my fucking world gets destroyed, everything, my house my parents grave Peter's grave and Gwen" 
Tears are rolling down his face as he let's all his feelings out. Gwen could never imagine this level of pain. Everything he did there is gone, all his relationships, most of his belongings everything. Tears are rolling down her eyes while she listens to Y/N's cries of pain. Gwen pulls him into a side hug. She feels bad for asking but deep down she knows that this is good for him. 

A few minutes later as the sun starts setting he calms down but stays in Gwen's arms as she made no attempt to get him off of her. Secretly Gwen likes this, the boy she couldn't stop thinking about is now gonna be here for a while. Gwen remembers the drawing she did of him, she don't know why she did it but she doesn't regret them, she's just hoping that Y/N doesn't see them.
"Thanks for this" He says, his voice is small but loud enough for Gwen to hear him. 
"Anytime N/N" Y/N looks at her with a smile. "N/N really?" Gwen laughs, "Any nickname you could have picked and you pick N/N?"  Gwen is still laughing as he smiles at her, his eye is pink.
"It's the only one that came to mind" A few minutes of silence before Y/N speaks again. "I need a new SIM card" Gwen looks at him confused. "Well mine won't work in this dimension" Gwen shrugs "True"
Y/N gets out of Gwen's arms, which makes her a bit disappointed but doesn't say anything. He stands up and gets nauseas again. He goes around the side of the door to the roof and vomits which makes Gwen cringe as she stands up and goes to him. 
When he stops and looks back Gwen takes notice of how pale his face is. "We gotta get you back to the apartment" She puts his arm around her shoulder and begins walking him down the side of the building.
"The bag- The" Y/N tries to say but his speech is incredibly slurred. 
"The bag?" Gwen asks and Y/N nods. "I'll come back for it"
Y/N suddenly faints and falls. "Y/N" she screams and she webs him, hanging him above the ground. "Wow I thought you would be a lot heavier, no offense" She jokes as she drops him to the ground slowly. She lands beside him and picks him up and webs back to the apartment, although it was difficult, she nearly dropped him many times. She drops him on the couch and sighs. "I have to undress you again great" 
She does that, she undress him and puts the grey sweatpants back on, leaving him shirtless like before to keep him as cool as possible.

 She leaves through the window and notices that it's pretty dark out. She webs back to the alleyway to get the bag when she notices a bunch of criminals poking around in the bag. She lands behind them and they all turn to her. "It's the Spider" 
"Hey guy, can I see the receipt for that?" She remarks as they pull out guns and attempt to shoot her, she jumps up and sticks to the wall before jumping to the first guy, launching him into the wall and knocking him out. "I'm starting to think you guys didn't buy those" She webs 2 of the guns out of their hands and kicks one across the face and he falls against the wall, she punches one in the face before sweeping his legs and webbing him to the ground. The other guy she kicked tries to punch her but she backflips over him and slingshots him to the ground, knocking him out. 
The guy nearest to the bag tries to shoot her and she dodges it swiftly before punching him in the stomach, making him lean forward and then she elbows him in the back making him fall to the ground, she webs him to the ground. "Good talk guys" She says to no one. She picks up the bag and leaves before the police arrive.

                                                                    TO BE CONTINUED...

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘖𝘧 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘠𝘰𝘳𝘬Where stories live. Discover now