{fuck you, caelian}

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The knife leaves my fingers with a whoosh. It strikes the wall before falling with a clang, a mere inch away from the man's sweaty face. A miss that was done on purpose.

"Thanks for the offer but I'd rather stick it in a puttana's cunt. Or mouth in this case." Caelian shoots me a smirk as he wraps the whore's hair around his palm, guiding her lips onto his cock. His annoying grunts fill the room once he thrusts in.

Infuriated, I press my lips into a thin line. Numerous times have I warned my brother to quit mixing business with pleasure but he, as usual, pays me deaf ears.

"Are you going to deal with this bastardo or do I have to clean up your shit as always?" I spit in his direction, pissed.

It is his fault I am stuck here, interrogating the fucking rat he'd hired. A shit bag who dared to steal from me. I could have left it to my underboss and deal with some other shit, except that the bastard was getting his cock sucked.

"Kill him Z, I'm rather busy," Caelian groans loudly, hoarse voice mingling with the gagging moans the whore emits. "That's it, take me in deep, slut."

Fuck him.

Rather than entertain his nonsense, I grab a dagger from the table, amongst a variety of torture devices and stalk forward. As I do, I crook a commanding finger at Aldo, my cousin.

"Remove the traitor's gag."

Aldo's hulking frame strides across the dank basement. He bends down and strips the tape off the coward's mouth before he melts into the shadows. Apart from him and my whore of a brother, other henchmen are fused in the background, ready to beat the mole to a pulp should I order it.

I stand in front of my victim, the light streaming from the bulb above, casting him in full glare. He's bound upside down, dangling from a rope that spins him in circles.

"Please Don," he croaks out between split lips, a mixture of red fluid and snot dripping onto the blood stained ground. "I didn't have anything to do with the weapons' disappearance."

Contempt twists my face into a scowl and I flick the knife, up and down, in and out. "I hate two things the most in the world. Liars and losers. They're the lowest skunks. And right now, you stink of both."

"Please Don, I swear." Marcello tries to blink open his right eye but it's smashed shut, so only the left flutters. "I took the weapons as you requested but–"

I cut him off, voice cold, "You were meant to transport my ammunition to the site after my men left it in your possession. Now, imagine my fucking surprise when I arrived to exchange arms with the Donato family and found only thin air?"

Rage collects in my veins, simmering as I recall the sneer on Donato's ugly face. He'd thought me a fool for not keeping to my end of the bargain. And his gun had been quick to think so too. Without waiting for an explanation, Donato had fired shots after shots at my men, the whole deal going up in flames. And now, a few of my henchmen laid in unrecognized ditches, dead. Thanks to Caelian and this motherfucker.

A Touch Of Sin #1Where stories live. Discover now